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She caught them out of the comer of her eye, just as she pulled the door to
behind herself.
Carl s filthy, filthy socks. A pang of hysteria went through her. He always
left them where they fen. She could not understand how she had failed to see
them when she had tidied that morning, nor more important, when she had
stretched out the Deadly Nightshade. Per,. haps the excitement of the night
before, and the fervor of now.
She remembered the instructions clearly.
.you must not re-enter the room once you have placed the Deadly Nightshade.
Exposure begins once the sheet is spread.
Well! She certainly wasn t going to chance that.
As it was, she would have to invent a reason for coming to bed after he had
retired. Perhaps the Midnight
Movie on tri-V.
Nor was she going to foul it up as she had with the Animaux Tube. But just the
same...those stinking socks.
On a level far deeper than any conscious urge to murder Carl, the training of
a lifetime, the murmured words of her Mother, and the huge distaste of her
Father for litter, sent her to the broom closet.
She re-opened the door, and yes...just by holding the broom tightly at the
sucker-straws, by keeping her wrist flexed and tight to maintain rigid
balanced control, she was able to snag the socks, one by one.
--and withdraw them.
--without entering the room.
--and close the door again.
Madge congratulated herself, once she had slung the stench-filled socks into
the dispop. She busied herself in the kitchen, punching out a scrumptious
frappe dessert for Carl s dinner. His last dinner on this Earth. Or anywhere.
Not that he d notice, the big boob, not that he d notice.
Nor did she notice the great wrinkle in one end of the Deadly Nightshade.
Caused by the prodding of the broom handle.
He was yawning, and it looked like the eroded south forty getting friendly.
 Jeezus, Madge honey, I nearly overslept. Whyn tcha wake me? I ll be late for
my shift. 
She gawked, stricken. Twice!
 I ain t never seen nothin like it, honey. I was enjoyin the best sleep of
my life, but this here bright, real bright streak of light was in my dreams,
y know? An I couldn t rest easy, y know. I kept squintin and tossin and
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finally hadda get up, cause I mean, Jeezus, it was painful. Piercin , y know?
So I got up, an a lucky thing, too, or
I d a missed my shift. Whyn tcha wake me, huh?
She mumbled a reply, her face hot and her hands constantly at her mouth; she
had the urge to clamp down hard with her teeth, to keep from shrieking.
She continued to mumble, punched-out a hurried breakfast, and summarily
ushered him off to his expressway.
Then she sank into a chair and had a good, deep cry.
Later, when she was certain she had control of herself, she got out the
pamphlet again.
This time there was no mistaking the annoyance in the pamphlet s voice.
 You failed again. I can tell from your emanations. Very seldom does anyone
need two of the methods provided by our Kits...you are the first one in nearly
eight thousand Kits that has needed all three. We hope you are proud of
 His dirty socks, she began,  I had to get them out. I just couldn t stand
the thought...
 I do not wish apologies. I want attention! The third method is very
simple--even a dunce--
 There s no need to get nasty about it! she interrupted.
 --even a dunce cannot fail with it, the booklet plowed on ruthlessly.  Take
out the last article contained in the Kit. The heart-globe. Do not agitate it
as it is a sympathetic stimulator of the heartbeat--
Then the sound came to Madge, and the knowledge that someone was near.
Listening. She flipped the pamphlet closed, but it was too late.
Much too late.
Carl stood at the door. He showed his decaying teeth in a brown smile without
humor.  I came back, he said.  Felt so damn tired  n beat I just couldn t go
to work...
She fluttered a little. She could feel the tiny muscles jumping all through
her body. Muscles she had never known she had.
 So that s what s been goin on, huh Madge? I shoulda guessed you d get up the
gut one day soon. I ll haveta think back an see if I can figger out what this
Kit included. It ll be fun. My three was real wowzers, y know.
She stared at him, uncomprehending. Had he found her Kit, and had she not
 I rekcanize the pamphlet, he explained with a wave of his meaty hand.  I
sent for one of them things over three months ago. His voice altered with
incredible swiftness. Now casual and defacing, now harsh and bitter as sump
water.  But how n a hen could I of used it around someone like you...you d of
noticed the first lousy little trap that I d a set...you d of vacuumed an
swept an pried an found it.
 I know you ve hated me--but Gawd A mighty, how I ve hated you/
You straighten an pick an fuss till...
he summed it an up, and ended it all, eleven years of it,  ...till a guy can t
even come home an enjoy a belch!
He smiled again...this time with dirty mirth.  .your goddam floor s gonna get
filthy today, Madge. He drew out the long, shiny knife.  Had one of the guys
in Steel Molding make this for me...a real do-it-yourself.
Then there was pain and a feeling of incompleteness and she saw the blood
begin to drip on the rug that she had kept so immaculate. A great deal of
blood, a sea of blood, so much blood.
Madge Rubichek had been a methodical woman...
So she could not check the dying statement that came bubbling to her lips:
 There s...a...double...money...back...
His voice came from far away.  I know, he said.
And in the electronically-keyed mechfiles of the Guatemalan Patent Authority,
deep in the heart-banks, three assigned designates were cancelled out. Three
patents drawn on a firm called simply DoMur Products, Inc
A firm that had only a few seconds before filed bankruptcy proceedings with
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the Midwestern Commercial
Amalgum. A firm called simply DoMur Products, Inc
A firm that had unfortunately operated on a very, very narrow margin of
Simply put, an adventure. A fable of futurity. A pastiche of men in conflict,
in another time, another place, where the strength of the inner man counts for
more than the bone and muscle and cartilage of the outer man. A swashbuckler
and a fantasy, perhaps, but in the final analysis, when all the geegaws,
foofaraws and flummery are cleared away, don t we all fight our own
particular, contemporary, pressing problems in a kind of half-world of thought
and phantasmagoric perception like
The Silver Corridor [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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