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were far outnumbered by the hordes of Tsarmina s soldiery. The far side of the parade ground was black with soldiers who swarmed forward regardless of missiles. The woodlanders fired a parting volley then ducked out behind the doors. Lively now, mates, Skipper roared. Follow Gingivere and Mask. Make sure they get home safe. Amber and me ll slow em up a bit here. As the gates opened outward, it was but the work of a moment for the otter and the squirrel to place two sizeable wooden wedges beneath each gate and bang them home firmly with rocks. Thinking ahead, Tsarmina guessed that the gates would have been barred to slow her progress. Standing on the backs of several soldiers, she sprang up, gained a clawhold on top of the gates and vaulted over with great agility. Tearing out the wedges with feverish energy, she pulled the doors open. The woodlanders had had no time to cover their tracks, so it was plain to see which route they had taken. Tsarmina pointed east into Mossflower. Follow me, stay together and obey my commands. We might not catch them, but there s an even chance these tracks may lead to their hideout! * * * Deep in the woodland shade, Mask and Gingivere were traveling slowly. The otter was breathing, laboriously, often halting to lean against trees, but he insisted on walking unaided. Gingivere was puzzled and concerned for his rescuer. Mask, what s the matter, friend? Are you hurt? The strange otter gave a wry grin and shook his head. I m all right. Listen, that must be Skipper and the crew coming this way. The otters were boisterously recounting their victory over Kotir. Ha, soldiers! Vermin, more like. Aye, it took two score our number to make us back off, eh, Skip. I must have used two pouches of rocks on their thick skulls. Hoho, I could throw one of em farther than they could hurl their own spears. What a bunch of blunderers! Good job they ve got the cat to lead em, or they d be lost in their own headquarters. Hey, you two. What are you doing hanging about here? Skipper bounded up, twirling his sling. Mask, me old shipmate. You did us proud back there. I think he s been hurt, Gingivere whispered in Skipper s ear. Mask straightened up and began walking doggedly forward. Leave me alone, I ll be all right. Look, Skip, it s his back! Bula pointed to the wet patch spreading across Mask s cloak. Mask staggered a few paces, then fell heavily. Skipper dashed across and knelt by Mask. Gently, he drew back the cloak to reveal the broken arrow shaft protruding from the otter s gray fur. Tsarmina s arrow had found its mark, not in Gingivere as she intended, but deep in the back of Mask. Skipper supported the wounded otter s head as he said encouragingly, Hold on, matey. We ll get you back home and patch you up in a brace of shakes. Strike me colors, one measly arrow isn t going to stop a freebooter like you. Mask shook his head, a slow smile playing on his lips. Someone at the gates of Dark Forest must have put my name on that arrow. At least I made it back into Mossflower. Hot tears sprang into Skipper s brown eyes. Don t say that, messmate. It wouldn t be the same without you. Mask leaned close to Skipper s ear. Do me one last favor, Skip. Anything. You just name it. Promise me that you won t tell little Spike and Posy about this. Say that Uncle Mask has gone to live far away. Skipper wiped Mask s brow gently with his paw. On my affidavit, brother. The gray otter nodded slowly. His curious eyes clouded over as he lay back peacefully and went limp. Skipper stood up. He sniffed, grubbing grimy paws against his eyes. Listen, crew. We re taking him back to the River Moss. He liked it there. We ll stow him under a willow on the bank, and that way he ll always be near the sound of the water he loved. Tie some slings together and make a stretcher, mates. Gingivere stepped forward. He picked Mask up from the earth, holding him firmly in his strong paws. Please let me have the honor of carrying him. He rescued us from Kotir prison. Ferdy, Coggs and myself, we owe him our lives. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |