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The guy turned on his heel and headed back toward the limo that waited for him.
 That s it? Wayne called after the man.  You re not you re not angry?
The boss stopped.  Why would I be angry? I told Jasmine to get close to Archer. Seems like she s
done her job very well.
He was so lost.  But& but my job was to bring her in. You hired me 
 Your job was to make sure she didn t run from me. She s not running& not yet. She s doing exactly
as I ordered. He turned his head. The sky was on fire behind him.  You re my security, in case
Jasmine tries to go soft on this one.
Soft? The report he d read on the woman sure didn t indicate any  soft tendencies.
 Jasmine is important to me. I don t want to lose her talents.
Oh, damn. Talk about misreading a situation. When he was hired to tail someone, it was usually
because that someone had screwed up.
Only I m the one who screwed up this one. He should ve asked more questions, instead of just taking
the money.
But he liked money.
 You don t want Jasmine hurt? Wayne asked carefully. There was, ahem, no need to mention that
she d already been hurt. The boss didn t need to know about the little knife incident. He hadn t
meant to slice her.
Okay, he had.
 I don t want to lose her, the boss said again, but then his face hardened.  But I would see her dead
before I d let her betray me.
And that s where I come in.  That s why you hired me. In case she turns on you. It would have been
helpful to know this earlier.
 You re a hunter. She s your prey& the instant she runs.
He realized the truth.  You thought she d run last night! No wonder he d gotten the call to close in.
He d thought the order meant he needed to detain Jasmine, but
 Jasmine has a& special connection with Archer. I was worried it might prove to be a weakness for
her. I sent you after her because if she wasn t doing her part, I wanted her brought to me. The boss
waved his hand.  She s not here& so she s still in play.
Wayne had no clue what was going on. Above my pay grade.
 Jasmine had her orders. She ll make contact with me in twenty-four hours, and if she doesn t, then&
well, everything will change for her. She won t have my protection any longer and she will feel the
force of my fury.
Wayne edged back a bit. He sure didn t want any of the boss s fury to be turned on him. I m not
telling him about the knife. What he doesn t know&
 Better see about that nose, the boss ordered with a wave of his hand.  I ve heard Archer can throw
a killer punch.
The man truly had eyes and ears everywhere. But he doesn t know I sliced, Jasmine. Not yet. Talk
about a lucky break.
Wayne stood there, at that body dump site, frozen, until the boss vanished in his fancy limo.
If I m the security to make sure Jasmine doesn t screw him over& then who the hell is watching
Because the twist in his gut told Wayne that the boss was all about contingency plans. Screw him
over& and you die.
Wayne hurried back to his car. He knew better than to screw over that man.
Chapter Four
 Rise and shine, princess& 
Jasmine s eyes flew open and she jerked upright, a gasp shaking from her as her hands immediately
flew out toward the rickety nightstand and the weapon that had better be there
This isn t my motel room.
Her hand slammed into a lamp and it went crashing to the floor.
 Interesting wake-up method you have there, that deep, rumbling, very male voice told her.
Her gaze shot toward the doorway. Drake stood there, one sardonic blond brow lifted, a faint smirk
quirking those sexy lips of his.
No, not sexy. They were hard. They were cruel. They were
She focused on his eyes even as her hands snatched up the covers.  Did you ever think of knocking
 My house. My bedroom. He shrugged.  Besides, it s getting close to noon. I was afraid you were
dead in here.
Noon? She never slept to noon. Not ever.
 I ve got some clothes for you. He glanced down at the bag in his right hand. Wait, that was
 My bag. She scrambled from the bed, pulling the covers with her. She kept them around her, toga
style, and Jasmine ignored the ache in her side.
 I had one of my men collect your things from that little motel.
Did she look stupid?  You mean you told the guy to rifle through my stuff.
He lifted the bag toward her.  I thought you might like some non-bloodstained clothes to wear. And
some shoes. Guess I was wrong.
She hurried across the room and grabbed the small duffel bag.
But he reached out before she could retreat from him, and his fingers wrapped around her wrist.  You
keep a gun in your nightstand drawer.
And she was betting that gun wasn t tucked securely in her bag.  A lady traveling alone has to protect
herself. Especially when she was dodging trouble.
 It s time, Drake told her.
Did he realize that his thumb was slowly rubbing against her inner wrist? Because she did, and that
teasing contact was making her all kinds of nervous.  Time for what?
 The truth. You put on your clothes, then you come to the den and you tell me everything I want to
Not going to happen.  Or what? He d already said he wasn t planning to call the cops on her. So as
far as she was concerned, he had zero leverage.
The smirk was gone from his face. He looked& cold then. Hard. Dangerous.
Don t fall for the bad boys, don t!
 You don t want me for an enemy, Jasmine.
 I thought that you already were my enemy. Didn t realize I had a choice in the matter.
 I don t want to hurt you.
Okay, now that scared her. Her chin started to lift.
 But one way or another, you will be answering my questions, and if you lie to me& that will be a
mistake I punish you for.
Then he freed her wrist. Only she felt like he was still touching her. Her skin was hot and sensitive.
 You ve got five minutes to dress.
 And you sure like giving orders.
He flashed her a wide grin. Wow. The man had a really nice, sexy smile.
 Time s ticking& 
He shut the door.
Her gaze darted around the room. There had to be a way out of there. A way to escape Drake& [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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