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 The pleasure is mine, Lord Willoughby. As I told your wife, I m shocked and
relieved to find her here in England, safe and sound. When we found her missing, we
feared the worst. I m afraid I found it too emotionally draining to remain so near the
home where she grew up. Hence, I ended up in London. It s a nice surprise, indeed.
 We sent word to my wife s parents before we left Virginia, Duncan said gruffly.
 You must not have waited around long before giving up on her and leaving.
 Alas, the memories were too painful for me. I feared I d lose my mind were I to
remain much longer. And although I find she is lost to me forever, at least I know she is
safe and well cared for.
Duncan tightened his grip on Cathrynn. Something about this man didn t sit right
with him, and it wasn t just the fact that he had been engaged to Cathrynn.  If you ll
excuse us, I d like to dance with my wife.
Cathrynn smiled at Duncan as they danced, her cheeks flushed.  What a
coincidence that Austin showed up here in England, practically on our doorstep. He said
when he left Virginia my mother was still so dejected over my disappearance that she had
taken to her room and refused to come out. My father and brothers were still searching all
the bordering towns trying to find some word of me. Oh, Duncan, they have suffered so
much pain!
Stroking her back, he said soothingly,  So have you, my darling. They have surely
received many of your letters by now and know that you are well and happy. He brushed
her cheek and softly said,  Don t worry about the past now, Cathrynn, for it is over and
done with, and the future is uncertain. Live for the moment, my love, and be happy.
Midnight Whispers Lynette Marie
Her eyes glowing with love for her husband, she whispered,  I am happy, and shall
always be, as long as I am with you.
Lowering his head so she wouldn t see the emotion in his eyes, he kissed her
lightly on the lips and rested his forehead against hers. They swayed quietly together until
the music stopped and Duncan was dragged into a dance with Lady Ambrosia.
Feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the surprises she d endured, Cathrynn headed
toward the gardens, hoping for a cool breath of air and a few moments to herself. She
found a deserted bench and sank upon it, breathing deeply of air that was turning colder
with every hour, ending the unseasonably mild weather they had so enjoyed. So much had
happened this night, and so quickly, she couldn t begin to know how she felt about the
strange new turn of events. Ian, the young Lord Ambrosia? Austin crossing an ocean and
finding her here, just by chance? It certainly seemed too much of a coincidence, but what
reason would he possibly have to lie? Well, a coincidence it must be, for there was no
other explanation.
Feeling a hand on her shoulder, she turned with a smile, expecting to see Duncan.
Her disappointment was evident, however, when it was Austin she found herself gazing
upon.  I m sorry to disappoint you, Cathrynn. You were expecting someone else?
 No, no, of course not, she lied.  How are you enjoying the party?
 I was having a very nice time until the belle of the ball left the room. He sat
close beside her and caressed her cheek softly with the tip of his finger.
Pulling away slightly, Cathrynn set his hand upon his own lap.  Don t, Austin.
I m a married woman now.
 You re with the wrong man, Cathrynn. You were promised to me a long time
ago. You are mine, he declared heatedly.
 No, I belong to Duncan now. He is my husband, my heart belongs to only him.
Austin shot off the bench and turned on her.  Don t pretend with me, Cathrynn.
I ve heard all the rumors, I know you married Mr. High and Mighty Lord Willoughby
because you had no other choice. He pulled her to him, their lips just inches apart.  I m
here now, little Cathy, he said softly.  I can take you away from all this.
She tried to pull away.  Stop it! You re talking nonsense.
So intent were they on their private conversation that they didn t hear Duncan step
out into the gardens. When he saw her in what appeared to be a passionate embrace with
her ex-fiancée, all logical thought fled. Every muscle tensed, he listened to hear what they
would say next.
 I love you, Cathrynn, I always have. We can leave here tonight, return to
Virginia, and marry just as we planned. Can you deny you loved me?
 I loved you, Austin, but that was a long time ago. What I feel for Duncan is so
much more. I only know that whatever I do, wherever I am, I must be with him because
to be without him would be a fate too agonizing to imagine.
He gazed at her for a long moment before murmuring,  Let me refresh your
memory. He took her lips in a fierce kiss that so shocked her she was motionless.
Before she could raise her hand to slap him, Duncan flew from the shadows and
grabbed him by the shirt, slamming him against the trunk of a large tree.  Let s get one
thing straight, Greenbush, he growled.  Whatever ties you think you may have had to
my wife are long since severed. She belongs to me, and I ve no intentions of letting her
Midnight Whispers Lynette Marie
Austin pushed Duncan s hands away and taunted,  She s naught to you but a
pretty treasure used to pacify your noble peers. I d bet this marriage of convenience
hasn t even been consummated.
Duncan s powerful fist smashed into his rival s nose, sending blood spurting
everywhere and leaving Austin in a cowering heap on the ground. Kneeling beside him,
Duncan snarled,  Cathrynn is my wife, and you will respect the union between us. And I
give my word, Greenbush, if I catch you anywhere near her, you can kiss your sorry
excuse for a life goodbye.
With that he stood up and held his hand out to Cathrynn. She came willingly,
sparing but a quick glance toward the man she had once cared for so much. Hand in hand,
they walked through the milling crowd, heads held high. When they reached their
carriage, he ushered her in and climbed in beside her, sitting ramrod straight. She could
feel the tension emanating from him and could think of nothing appropriate to say.
At home, she followed him into the study. He went to the desk and poured a hefty
amount of brandy into the tumbler, carrying it with him to stare out the window. He
appeared not to notice she was even in the room. After long moments of watching him
nurse his drink, she said,  Aren t you going to say anything, Duncan? It s all over with,
you can relax now.
As he turned slowly from the window, she was surprised at the fierce look in his
eyes as they burned into her.  What would you have me say, my dear? His voice was
low and menacing.
 I-I would have you say what s on your mind. Can you still be so angry with
He stepped toward her until they were close enough to touch. His lips merely a
breath from hers, he said,  The anger I feel for Greenbush is but a mere fraction of the
rage I feel for you.
Cathrynn gasped and stumbled back.  Whatever do you mean, Duncan? I did
nothing wrong.
 Come, my dear, you should know better than to lie to me. I saw you with my
own eyes, and I heard you admit to loving him. But know this, I will never let you go.
You are my wife, and you will stay by my side if I have to lock you in your rooms to keep
you here! I ll not have you running off to the next ship that would sail you away from
 Have you gone mad, Duncan? I ve never given you any reason to accuse me of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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