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but he was pretty laid back and easygoing. Most of what they d talked about had been basic, music and movies, things people chatted about when they didn t really know each other. He d found out that while Christian pretended to like action and suspense, he knew more about chick flicks and spoof ball comedies that Tanner himself favored. They both liked classic rock, though Christian s taste ran more toward the Beatles or the Rolling Stones, and Tanner s more in the direction of Jimi Hendrix and the Doors. He also noticed that as soon as the conversation had turned to anything more personal, Christian excused himself for the night -- more often than not, with a tent prodding against the front of his pants. Flattering as it was to have someone want him that badly and not do anything about it out of concern for his health, it was also frustrating as hell. With his body plagued by aches and pains, he never would have guessed that getting off would be high on his list of Pyromancer 51 priorities. He would have been dead wrong. Not being able to do anything about the sexual tension brewing between him and Christian only seemed to make it that much stronger. With his left arm in a cast, he couldn t even beat off properly. That hadn t stopped him -- he d made do with his right -- but it hadn t been as good as what he could have accomplished with his left, or nearly as satisfying as it would ve felt to have Christian do it for him. Not that getting involved with a former client, no matter how nice they were, would be very bright. It was probably just as well that nothing had happened between them. This way, there could be a clean break when he left. He could just thank Christian for his help and leave it at that, without any lingering expectations to muck things up. In the process of reaching for the wooden banister, a muffled noise caught Tanner s attention. He froze and cocked his head to one side, trying to listen and see if he could figure out where the sound was coming from. When it came again, Tanner was ready for it. He crept toward the room two doors down from the bathroom, the last one on the right before the staircase, his curiosity getting the better of him. At first, he thought the door was closed, but upon closer inspection he found that it was open just a hair, as if someone had entered in a hurry and failed to make sure the latch caught properly. With nervous fingers, Tanner reached out and pushed the door open a fraction more. His lips parted on a silent moan, the sight before him something directly out of his fantasies. Christian lay spread out crossways on the mattress of a large sleigh bed, one hand working the long, swollen length of his cock, while the other pinched and plucked at his nipples. His long legs dangled over the edge, the jeans he d worn earlier hastily bunched around his tensing thighs. Bare from groin to nipple, a white sleeveless T-shirt was heedlessly shoved up his torso and gathered under his arms. His face was turned to the wall, away from where Tanner stood gaping at him through the slit in the door. Jesus, fuck& Every muscle in Tanner s body clenched as blood rushed south to fill his groin and harden his dick. He stared, transfixed by the undulations of Christian s groin as his hips lifted to push his cock through his fist. The bulbous tip was wet with desire, the veined shaft thick and glistening with moisture as it slid through the tight grip of Christian s fingers. Tanner palmed his crotch, rubbing at his erection through the nappy cotton of his sweatpants. He pressed down against the outline of his dick and felt it pulse under his palm. Riveted, Tanner watched Christian stroke his meat. His gaze alternated between the hand gaining speed over Christian s cock and the way Christian twisted his stiff copper- colored nipples, making them flush a deeper shade of red and bead up against the hard mounds of his pecs. His broad chest was sprinkled with dark, silky-looking hair that thinned between his pecs and trailed down over the expanse of his flat stomach. The crown of curls around the base of his cock was darker, almost black in color and more dense than the rest of his body hair. Tanner longed to run his fingers through it, to rub his cheek over Christian s entire body and test the different textures. 52 Amanda Young Independent of his brain, Tanner s foot lifted. Before he could complete that first step, Christian moaned. Tanner froze, watching as Christian s body bucked, his abs tensing and rippling. The fist Christian had around the upper half of his dick froze and squeezed down. Pearlescent ropes of cum sprayed through the open ring of Christian s fingers and splashed the naked breadth of his abs, the final strands losing force and oozing around his fist. Tanner s heart beat wildly, every pulse resounding in his aching cock. He began to back up, not wanting to be caught spying on Christian during such a private moment. As he pivoted and fled -- with the bedroom door unconsciously left open behind him -- the sound of Christian s deep voice crying out his name echoed in his ears. * * * * * Christian s vision of Tanner leaning over him, sucking his cock through swollen, puckered lips, faded with his orgasm. He sighed and slowly lifted his eyelids. The ceiling came into focus as his body floated down from the endorphin rush of release and propelled him back into stark reality. Underneath the smooth, boneless feel of his afterglow, a small niggling doubt resurfaced, whispering of things he could have -- things he desperately wanted -- if only he d give in and make a grab for them. Give up his solitary existence, and make a play for Tanner. The kid was just down the hall, but he may as well have been a figment of Christian s imagination. If anything, having Tanner so close, being able to talk with him and spend time together while not being able to touch him was more torture than before. Things were easier when all he d had was his memory of their single night together and fantasies of what might have been -- what would have been possible if he were normal and brave enough to start a relationship. Tanner wanted him. That much was apparent in the way his gaze followed Christian around on the evenings they ate together, the way he stared and licked his lips when Christian wasn t able to hide how hard he got just from being in the same room with him. What he wasn t sure of was whether or not Tanner was just horny and looking to score, or if the kid might want to try for something more. Pessimism was so deeply ingrained in his psyche, it was hard for Christian to imagine a positive outcome for them. Second-guessing his wants and needs, trying to balance the two, and come up with an encouraging conclusion was near impossible. Still, he fought his baser instincts, wanting to visualize a satisfying ending for Tanner and him. The kid was young -- only twenty to his thirty-two -- but he was bright and hardheaded and so sure of himself. It was damn hard not to like him. More than like, if Christian was honest with himself. Tanner had been living under his roof for going on a week, had tried his patience continually, and nothing untoward had happened. There hadn t been a single flare of his peculiar curse, not a single scorch mark or bout of smoke. It seemed like, if he was going to lose his cool and blow up -- hopefully not literally -- he would have done it by now. Lord Pyromancer 53 knew, the kid had been a little shit on more than one occasion. Surly as a bear with a thorn in its paw at times, Tanner had never pushed Christian past the limits of what he could tolerate. The kid pushed all his buttons, good and bad. He found it rather ironic that he d gone from not being able to beat off with any success at all to having to sneak into his bedroom and jerk before dinner. Dinner. Shit. Christian jolted upright, his gaze jerking toward the bedside clock. 6:15. He was late with dinner. * * * * * [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |