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She frowned, wondering what he was leading to. Had the man blackmail him into
something unlawful? Rather than question Savion, which would entail her facing
him, she kept silent.
"With my understanding of how business works and the training he so generously
provided me  she heard the bitterness in his voice   I was in a perfect position
to infiltrate certain businesses to gather information."
Lydie's eyes widened, and she gasped. Not meaning to, she swung around to face
him. Too late, she realized he saw the tears on her face. She swiped them away.
 Are you telling me you have been stealing from companies all this time, that the
company you're currently working for is another target?"
He grinned.  You mean the one you recently acquired? Lydie was shocked again
that he knew, but she didn't give him the satisfaction of a response. He reached out
to stroke her face and wipe a last tear from her cheek. A tremor went through her at
his touch. She hated loving him.
"My  people informed me of your interest in me and told me you bought the
company. I had planned to meet with you, insist you get out before it was taken
down, but I did not anticipate you having me kidnapped. Neither did they."
"My interest in you. She stood and turned to go downstairs, feeling tears start
"Lydie. Baby. He moved up behind her and pulled her back against him. Desire
flamed to life in her belly. She resisted it, though she felt the response of his
erection. Savion nuzzled her neck as he always did.  Lydie, I feel..."
She stiffened at the sound of a speed boat nearby. Savion shoved her gently toward
the stairs.  Get below and hide."
"No. She wasn't being forced into the closet again. Savion might not accept her
help, but he was getting it whether he liked it or not. Before he could argue,
someone called out from the other boat.
Moments later, the deck filled with men Lydie recognized as working for her
father, at his New York warehouse. Each of them held guns and searched the ship
as if they were trained, just like Savion. She frowned. Just what the hell was going
Before she could get answers or even ask her lover what more he knew, Lydie
found herself whisked onto a boat that sped toward the mainland. Her father
refused to speak until she had rested and promised to explain everything. He would
make arrangements for Savion and the captain. But the next morning, her father,
Savion, and the captain were gone. Lydie was left with an escort and a ticket back
to London, one she apparently was not allowed to change.
[Back to Table of Contents]
Chapter Nine
All that she thought she knew about her life, about her father was a lie. Or maybe
this was a confirmation of what she believed from the start that he loved business
more than he loved her, if he cared at all. His holdings were basically stolen by any
means he felt was necessary. And apparently, Savion was into it with him. How
much more of a fool could she have been back then?
"Are you sure about this? she asked her informant. But the evidence was in the
folder she'd been supplied with. Photos, reports, testimony of not only her father's
activities but also her lover's. Savion had been instrumental in bringing down all of
her father's competitors, sometimes working from the inside.
"Yes, Ms. Simpson. Your father is a very powerful and ruthless businessman.
Using the men in his employ, he has been able to get executive level employees of
various companies to hire the men he wants them to. Once inside, the men
systematically bring the company to a position of surrender to your father. None of
the owners know what's coming until it's too late."
Lydie turned away from the man to glance out her office window.  And Savion
Bellamont? she quiered.
"His top man."
She sank down in her chair as a weight descended over her head and shoulders and
sapped the life from her.  That will be all. Thank you. She waited until she heard
the click of the door before she slumped back in her chair and closed her eyes.
Savion had said a man made him an offer he couldn't refuse. He meant her father,
yet how could he not refuse? What could her father hold over his head to keep him
obedient all these years?
Lydie glanced down at the papers in her hands again. Her father had clearly broken
the law countless times, even had men killed. So why had he never been convicted?
Glancing around her office, she knew at least what she had to do. She would resign
her position immediately and put up the company for sale that she'd taken over. A
broker could handle everything, while she went away for a while to rethink her life.
One thing was for sure, she never wanted to see her father or Savion again.
That night in her flat, Lydie packed the clothes she intended to take with her and
made last minute arrangements for her housekeeper to take her bird with her when
she left the next day. With no family other than her father, and no close friends
because of work consuming her twenty-four-seven, Lydie had all loose ends tied
within a matter of hours.
Just before she rode to the airport tomorrow morning, she would be turning her
findings over to the authorities. He might be her father, but he was a criminal that
needed to be brought to justice. His cruelty would be stopped. She had thought long
and hard about Savion's name being mentioned with her father's and found she just
couldn't do it. She couldn't turn the man she loved in to the authorities, so she had
burned the sheets with his name and the photos that suggested his activities.
When that was done, she slipped into bed with her mind settled.  Welcome to the
rest of your life, she muttered, depressed.
She'd barely closed her eyes when a hand covered her mouth. Lydie screamed and
struggled against the body now pinning her down.
"Shh, hush, baby. Her eyes widened in the darkness, but she couldn't see Savion.
 You know I'm not going to hurt you. He slid to the side of her and ran a hand
down over her stomach to squeeze gently between her legs. Lydie moaned.
With a sigh, Savion sat up taking her with him. When he clicked her bedside lamp
on, she blinked against the sudden light.
"You're not going to scream? he asked.
She shook her head, and he removed his hand.  What are you doing here? I thought
you were long gone, she accused, trying to ignore the pain in her chest at his
He stood and moved to the dresser where the folder with her evidence lay. Flipping
through it with interest, he spoke.  I had to obey orders. Simple as that. But when I
was able to make arrangements, I came here to get you. Now, get dressed."
Lydie frowned, tossing back the covers and marching over to take the folder from
him.  I'm not getting dressed. I have a flight in the morning, and that folder is none
of your business."
Instead of giving her the file, Savion wrapped an arm about her waist and yanked [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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