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And then immediately came up with a plan of his own that would save them from
hearing about this bullshit for the next year while still taking his incredibly beautiful
wife on a honeymoon. Not that she would know that they were going on a honeymoon,
because really, did it matter if she knew that she was going as long as he kept her
safe? As long as he didn t make the mistake of referring to their little trip away as
anything more than a business trip, they should be safe from hearing anymore
Bradford bullshit and get him exactly what he wanted.
His wife, naked and smiling, in his arms for the next two weeks without any
interruptions from the overbearing assholes in her family.
It was going to be fucking perfect.
Okay, so it wasn t exactly what he d had in mind when he d been thinking about
bringing her on a honeymoon, but as long as he had her to himself for the next two
weeks then he could wait a year before they went on their real  honeymoon. He d
bring her to a tropical island where the only thing that she needed to wear was a
skimpy bikini that he would remove every night with his teeth before he slowly licked
 Look, Trevor cut in, drawing his attention away from his plans for Rory s incredible
body and back on the men that he needed to get out of his house,  here s the deal, the
large bastard that screamed like a girl whenever a spider was around, said as he
rubbed his hands roughly down his face.  If you take her on a honeymoon before the
year mark you re going to seriously fucking regret it.
 You have to wait a year. I know it sounds stupid, but-, Jason cut it in while the rest
of the men began nodding in agreement, but he didn t have time for this bullshit so he
decided to end it before it could get out of hand and he was stuck with a houseful of
Bradfords and James boys for the night.
 Let me stop you right there, he said, holding up his hand to stop the large bastards,
because honestly he wasn t sure that he could listen to another moment of Bradford
bullshit no matter how good their intentions were.  We re not going to be able to go on
a real honeymoon until sometime late next year.
 What are you talking about? Craig asked, sharing a look that he couldn t read with
his brothers and cousins.
 We re merging our companies after completing an extremely large renovation on time
and under budget. We re going to have more work than we can deal with in a few
weeks and probably have to hire more men. We re in no position to turn down the
work right now, not if we want to take advantage of all this good press we re getting
right now.
 So, Trevor said, narrowing his eyes suspiciously on him, which would have hurt if he
really cared at all,  you re not going to take Rory on a honeymoon until next year?
He sighed heavily as he shook his head regretfully.  I don t think we re going to have a
chance, Rory, he said, sending his wife an apologetic look that had the rest of the
men visibly relaxing and his wife busied herself with her cocoa, clearly suspicious of
him, but not foolish enough to point that out in front of her relatives, not if they
wanted to get rid of them.
 That s okay, Rory said with a shrug and a questioning look that he easily ignored,
because it meant that she was willing to go along with whatever plans he had and he
had plenty.
He released a long-suffering sigh, careful not to go overboard with it and adding just
enough regret to his expression as he placed his nearly full cup of hot cocoa next to her
on the counter as he leaned back against the counter and folded his arms over his
chest, making damn sure to look pissed when he said,  I m afraid that I m not even
going to be able around much for the next two weeks.
 Why s that? Craig asked, cocking his head in question, clearly suspicious, which was
fine with him since he was used to dealing with the paranoid James boys.
 Because, he said, reaching up to rub the back of his neck,  I have to head up to
Maine for a few weeks and do a consultation job that I ve been putting off since last
year. As much as I d like to put it off for a few more months, I can t. I promised that I
would come up there after Strawberry Manor was done and help get the old place off
the ground and ready for the spring season.
He dropped his hand down by his side and took Rory s hand in his. He gave it a small
squeeze as he leaned down and brushed his lips against hers in apology.  I m sorry,
baby, he said, resisting the urge to look up and see if the assholes he d enjoyed
torturing over the past week were buying this line of bullshit.
 But, we just got married, Rory whispered softly, sounding hurt as she entwined her
fingers with his and looked up, sending him a look that would have normally had his
stomach twisting and his heart breaking, but the discrete little caress she ran over the
back of his hand with her thumb let him know that she was on board with whatever
he had planned.
 I know and I m sorry, he said, dropping her hand and pulled her into a hug, kissing
the top of her head as he held her tight.  I ll make it up to you. I promise.
 When do you have to leave, she asked, sounding a little distracted and drawing his
attention to the fact that her attention was now on the cup of cocoa that he d left on
the counter and damn near making him roll his eyes, because the little addict was
seconds away from giving them away for a second hit of cocoa.
They really needed to find a twelve step program for her, he mused as he pulled back
so that he could brush his lips on her forehead and try to get her to focus, because if
she didn t they d end up with a houseful of assholes with absolutely no way of getting
rid of them. He needed to get rid of them so that they could make their escape and he
could comfortably spend the next two weeks lying between her legs and making his
cock extremely happy. Before he could do any of that, and his cock was definitely on
board with where this plan was heading, he needed to convince these bastards to leave
them alone.
Then they were going to make a run for it, because if there was one thing that he
knew about the James boys, it was that they would do whatever it took to keep her
safe, even from a bullshit story passed down from generation to generation meant to
warn them away from the dangers of taking a honeymoon before the year mark. If he
tried to take her now, they d attempt another  talk, which he was ninety percent
positive that he could get out of again.
That wasn t the problem. The problem was that he didn t want to waste another week
on her brothers and cousins. He wanted to spend the next two weeks with his wife,
savoring the fact that she was his before their schedules filled up with more work
than they could handle and finding time to be together took effort. He d do whatever
he could to be with her. That wasn t the problem. He didn t care if he had to sneak in
some time at lunch, or on the way to give an estimate for a job, or just holding her in
his arms and falling asleep on the porch because he was too damn tired to do anything
more, he d savor every single minute with her.
But the idea of two straight weeks of Rory in his arms with absolutely no
interruptions was too tempting to pass up. Just thinking about making love to her any
time he wanted to, had his cock hardening and had him licking his lips in anticipation,
because the first thing that he was going to do to her was- [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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