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Visions of wild, uninhibited sex like they’d experienced danced through her head. “Jack Dillon, has anyone ever told you how sexy you are?” His face actually reddened. He cleared his throat. “No. Never.” “I find that impossible to believe.” “Well, believe it, sweetheart.” “Amazing.” Her mouth went dry. “I get so flustered sometimes when you’re near me, and when you kiss me, I want to … to … rip your clothes off.” His expression filled with gratification. His masculine ego must have pumped up to a thousand megawatts of satisfaction. “Oh, yeah?” “Yes.” He chuckled. “I’m flattered. Hell, I’m more than flattered.” He reached for her hand and clasped it in a warm grip. “I’m all yours if you want me.” She couldn’t say another word for a few moments, her throat so tight with emotions she thought she would never swallow again. “Jack, I’m afraid.” “Of what?” he asked, his voice laced with gentle worry. She squeezed his hand, then released him. “Afraid of everything I’m feeling. Afraid of what’s happening between us, the arson fires, you name it. It all seems to come to this big, ugly head.” “Then we should have time alone together.” His statement didn’t alleviate her apprehension, and the confusion compelling her to take everything he wanted to give her, but not too much. Once they’d checked in, she could no longer deny the rising need. The large suite featured Victorian decoration in hues of rose, white with touches of blue, and green. Dark cherry Queen Anne furniture graced the room; two chairs nestled in front of a gas log fireplace. A huge window looked out over the city. Two bedrooms, a wet bar and other amenities made the place top-drawer. Autumn dumped her suitcase on the floor with a thud. “This place is beautiful.” Jack turned in a circle and inspected the place. “Good choice, eh?” “This will cost us a fortune.” “It’s on me.” “You picked the most expensive hotel in Billings.” “No, the most expensive hotel is the Radisson, or maybe the Sheraton.” “Jack—” “Nope. I’ve got it.” With a wicked grin in place, he strode to his bedroom. “Men,” she said. Jack used to cell to call the hospital in Clifton and reached Ginger. She reported that Hank’s condition hadn’t changed. The other men had been moved from serious condition to stable, and this gave Jack some ease. Autumn touched his arm with a gentle caress and smiled. “They’ll be fine and so will Hank.” “The longer he stays unconscious, the more serious his condition may be.” She grasped the magnitude of Hank’s situation, but they couldn’t think the worst and survive being away. “All we can do is stay strong for him. Hank’s a tough guy.” A short time later, she flopped backwards on the king-sized bed in her bedroom with a sigh of pleasure. A nice, long, hot bath with a glass of wine sounded irresistible. Seconds later the bed sank a little on one corner, and her eyes popped open. Jack sat there with a boyish look mixed with longing and deep interest. His enticing gaze slid over her. Sexual feelings she’d tried to ignore since their last encounter went ballistic and galloped, competing with each other for dominance. As he continued to stare at her with obvious enjoyment, she decided what she would do. She sat up slowly. She touched the bedspread, tracing her fingers over the soft paisley quilted pattern. “Jack, what compelled you to pick this hotel?” He lay back on her bed and stretched, and his sweater slipped up high on his stomach. Her gaze traveled over rippling, leashed masculinity. “Remember, I told you I’m a romantic. This place screams romance.” He waggled his eyebrows, looking as cuddly as a teddy bear. She yawned and cracked her jaw. “Let’s have dinner in the room and some wine to celebrate being away from fire.” He sat up immediately. “Amen. I’ll order.” “How do you know what I want?” He leaned in close so that his mouth almost brushed hers. “Trust me. I know what you like.” Soft and husky, his voice caressed her ears. A little stunned by the high wattage sexuality mixing with charming tenderness, she almost couldn’t speak. “I’m going to change.” He winked. “Don’t be too long.” She waited until he closed the bedroom door, then took a huge breath to calm her thumping heart. Wound up with anticipation, she allowed all the possibilities to form in her imagination. Age difference, career challenges, and arsonist be damned. When she peeked into the bathroom a moment later and saw the whirlpool tub, she smiled. Autumn knew what she had to do. * * * * The small dining area sparkled with candlelight as Autumn stepped out of her bedroom. Jack walked around the table arranging food platters. Culinary scents, perhaps salmon and maybe prime rib, tantalized her nose. Her stomach growled and her mouth watered. Or maybe it wasn’t the food that made her salivate, but the man in front of her. A thick cable sweater stretched over his shoulders and faded denim encased his strong legs. He looked good enough to devour in one gulp. Her glance landed without remorse on his jeans—or rather his cock bulging against his jeans. She remembered all too well how he’d felt inside her, how much she’d love the intimacy of his naked body sliding along hers, within and without. A slow throb built in her lower belly, and stirrings of arousal tightened her nipples and sent a rush of liquid to her pussy. When his attention roamed over her attire and he gave her a knee-buckling grin that melted her heart, she asked, “What do you think?” “Whoa,” he said softly, his eyes widening. She walked toward him, enjoying every sign of his appreciation. “Whoa?” He swallowed and she heard the gulp. His eyes riveted on her movements. Triumphant, she took advantage by putting a sinuous glide into her walk. If Ginger hadn’t twisted her arm, she never would have bought the turquoise blue jacquard dress. One word came to mind for the ankle-length gown with the thin shoulder straps. The body- conforming style clung to her breasts and hips, and the slit on the side went up to mid thigh. To make things more tempting, she’d included strappy, high-heeled black sandals. She’d also added one thing he probably didn’t expect. Thigh-high stockings. No bra … and … crotchless lace panties. He was going to love it. At least she hoped he would. The entire ensemble screamed one luscious, undeniable word. Sin. She grinned, eating up the attention. She took a covert glance at his crotch. Oh, yeah. “What’s wrong, Jack? You look like you’ve never seen a woman before.” He swallowed hard. “That dress.” She stopped in front of him, leaving barely a foot between them. Even wearing high- heeled fuck-me shoes, he still looked down on her. His big, muscular body made her feel safe and oh-so feminine. She put one hand on her hip and then let it trail down to her thigh close to her pussy. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |