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You had to be deadly careful with that law, however, because if you invoked it, there would be a
mandatory military court-martial that would be the end of someone's career, and quite possibly the
end of somebody's life. Maybe yours, if you were wrong!
Other courses included map reading and mapmaking, mathematics, the operation and repair of
steam engines, the operation and repair of radios, the construction of roads and bridges, and other
suchlike things. They weren't trying to make us masters of all of these arts, but to teach us enough to
get started and to know which manual to get to teach you all the fine points when you needed them.
But then there were a group of subjects I never thought would be important to a warrior. We took
courses on both military courtesy and social courtesy. If you were invited to dine with the local baron,
your manners had better not embarrass the Christian Army! We took courses in playing musical
instruments and even in dancing, since a true warrior was expected to be as competent with the ladies
as he was with the enemy!
Of course, the other half of the day was spent doing physical things, and it was as demanding as it
had been before.
But even here, there were differences. For one thing, they finally issued us swords, and we spent at
least an hour a day working out with them. The sword the army used was not the horseman's saber, but
the long, straight infantryman's épée. It had very little in the way of a cutting edge and was primarily
a thrusting weapon, but once you knew how to use it, you could even defeat a man in full armor.
Once you were fast enough, and accurate enough, you could hit the cracks in his armor, his eyeslit, the
places where one plate moved over another.
It was worn, not at the belt, but over the left shoulder. A leather tube was fastened to the epaulet to
protect the forte section of the blade, and a long, thin knife sheath at the right buttock covered the tip.
It came out quickly enough, although it took a bit of squirming (or a friend) to resheathe it.
Much time was spent studying unarmed combat, on the theory that a warrior was always a warrior,
even if he was naked.
That, and they finally taught me how to swim.
Since there were many fewer people in Hell than there had been last winter, we ran the great
obstacle course at least once a day. Last winter we were only able to get to it about once a week.
Lastly, there was much more emphasis on religion than before. If you didn't have a thorough
grounding in Christianity before you went to Hell, you certainly got it there. This produced several
problems for the men of my lance.
For reasons that I don't understand, throughout our first training session and the war that followed
it, we had never talked much about religion among ourselves. Lezek, Fritz, Zbigniew, and I were all
Roman Catholics, we had always lived where everybody was a Roman Catholic, and none of us had
a clear idea about how anybody else could possibly be anything different.
We were surprised to discover that Taurus was a Greek Orthodox Christian. He'd been going to
church with the rest of us because there wasn't one of his faith available, and he figured that it
wouldn't do any harm.
Kiejstut was the quiet Lithuanian who spoke so little that it was easy to forget that he was there. It
turned out that he wasn't a Christian at all!
He was some sort of pagan, and had been going to church with the rest of us because he was afraid of
what we would do to him if we found out the truth! Once the truth came out, it took us, and the
priest who was teaching the class, a long time to relieve him of his anxieties. It was only when I told
him to relax, that we weren't going to eat him, that he finally did calm down.
Secretly, I believe he really was worried about being eaten! That either his tribe or some of
those around his people actually did eat human beings. Or maybe his tribal shaman, or whatever
they had, had told him Christians ate people, I don't know.
But when the priest asked him if he would like to take some extra study, and then be baptized a
true Christian, he jumped at the chance.
Long before the school was over, we all went to his christening.
We learned one very sad piece of news in the fall of 1241. Captain Targ was missing and presumed
His parents had a farm west of Sacz, near the Dunajec River, and with Lord Conrad's blessings he
and his brother, a platoon leader from another company, had borrowed a pair of conventional army
horses and ridden east to visit them and see to their safety.
And that was all we knew.
They were never seen again. A lance sent out to look for them found nothing except the farm,
which had been burned out by the Mongols, apparently in the early spring. There was no sign of
Captain Targ's family, either.
With both our captain and our platoon leader dead, my lance felt that it was orphaned.
When most of the course was over, we all underwent an ordeal and a blessing. Sir Odon was included
with us, since he had not yet performed this ceremony. After a day of prayer and fasting, with our
souls in a State of Grace, we walked barefoot across a big bed of glowing coals. We were not
harmed, being protected by God.
The others were perhaps more impressed by this miracle than I was, but then they had not seen
golden arrows come out of the sky to kill four Crossmen who would have harmed Lord Conrad.
Then we did a night's vigil, praying on a hilltop outside the Warrior's School, and in the morning we
looked down on the fog in the valley below. Each of us saw a halo, great rays, or horns of light,
around the shadow of his own head, but not around the heads of the others. We had been individually
blessed by God and were all knighted, and made Knights of the Order of the Radiant Warriors!
The next day, we were issued the army's new full-dress red and white uniform. We were amazed at
the amount of gold that one wore on it.
There was a big, heavy medallion on the front of the peaked hat, and a band of solid gold below
it. On the jacket there were golden tabs on the collar, huge gold epaulets on the shoulders, and solid gold
buttons. Over it, one wore a belt with a solid gold buckle from which hung a fancy dress saber with a
solid gold hilt and handle, and a matching dress dagger with matching gold trim..
Pinned to the jacket there was a huge and glorious gold medal, as big as your hand, announcing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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