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beneath the upper lip are as sharp as knives, and his eyes
other hand: "When you open your eyes you see that you are
gleam like two bright coals. His silk suit rustles as he
shrouded in darkness. There is a peaceful silence and the
moves and his voice is harsh and raspy, like a heavy
floor beneath you is cool on your skin". Here the darkness
smoker's; all the while his soft clothes are soaked in a
is peaceful. It offers protection from your enemies and
thick, sweet perfume that smells of cherries." This is a
peace to those who require it.
complete description of the Vampire, including all of the
Once you have chosen your tone, you must choose your essential elements, but it lacks technique. It lacks little
methods - the tools you can use to create an image. Writers
methods that can bring a scene to life and make it that
and poets have been using many of these methods for much more real to the players.
centuries, and there is no reason why you shouldn't use
Two of the greatest methods we have to help us paint a
them as well. These are only here to help you get started.
scene are metaphor and simile. For instance, in the
Ultimately we can never teach you how to describe a scene;
description of the Vampire we might say "his eyes gleam
you must learn the knack for it. It is something that is done
like two bright coals, as though his face were a dying fire."
at an intuitive level through a combination of a hundred
This implies that the Vampire is old and burnt out. We
thousand places and things that you have seen. Inventing
might also change the description of his voice to read "his
and clearly describing new, imaginary places isn't easy and
voice is harsh and raspy, like broken glass."
it takes experience and talent to do it well. Use these
Metaphors like those above can be used to add flavor but
methods to get you started or to expand your abilities if
they can also be used for many other things. Use
you are already an experienced Storyteller.
metaphors to give an inanimate object action. Don't say
Individuals experience much of the world through their
"the old house sits on the hill" but rather "the old house
eyes, so you must learn to describe the world in terms of
squats on the hill like an enormous toad." Don't say "the
color and shape. "His ashen face glares at you, with the
light is incredibly bright." Instead, "the light sears your
fangs protruding from beneath the upper lip are as sharp
eyes like the afternoon sun." Sometimes you want your
as knives, and his eyes gleam like two bright coals." This is
metaphors to be wild (like comparing a house to a toad)
an example of a use of color and shape. Here we have only
and sometimes they will be very conservative (saying a
two colors, grey and red. However, realize how boring the
light is like the sun), but you want to use both kinds. Wild
description would read if you said "His face is grey -white
metaphors make your troupe think and it can make
and his eyes are red." Be specific. If his face is grey, what
ordinary objects take on a character of their own.
shade of grey? If his eyes are red, what kind of red? Be as
Conservative metaphors make a description more vivid
specific as possible and give as much detail as you can on
and do not confuse the listener with a strange comparison.
important people or things.
A cousin to metaphor is personification. To personify
Hearing is usually the second most important sense used
something is to turn a concept or object into a person. To
in setting a scene. Sounds make your scene seem much
say that "death knocked on the door" is to personify death,
more real. Whenever you can, listen to sounds and try to
implying that death is a person who can ring a doorbell. In
describe them. We usually take sound for granted, but as a
Vampire you can say things like "the moon stares down at
Storyteller you cannot. You must be able to describe the
you like a lidless eye" or "the shadows seem to dance wildly
Vampire Storytellers Handbook
about as you light the fire" or "the storm shouts and Lights are also a great creator of mood. Vampire almost
thunders as it hurls its rain at the uncaring city streets." always takes place at night. It is best to begin just as the
Giving an unthinking object thought or emotion can add a sun sets if you can, as this is the first thing a Vampire
great deal to your setting. It adds life and dimension to would see when he awakens and it can be the first thing
otherwise bland and flat objects. your players see as they get into a game. Also, there is
something beautiful and lonely in a sunset that makes us
There are many other tools that you can use to improve
pensive. By forcing your players to think what it would
you r scenes but we will leave these for you to discover on
mean to their lives if the first thing they saw upon arising
your own. If you want new ideas, just read a good book.
from sleep was a sunset, you get them into the mood of
Writers and poets have spent literally thousands of years
Vampire and they are reminded what the world looks like
trying to find different ways to say things, so you should
when it is dark. Candles and colored lights (especially red)
not overlook them as a valu able resource.
are very useful for Vampire.
Tools of the Trade
It is the practice of some theater directors to gather their
Not only are there many ways to create setting with your actors together before a performance, turn out the lights
voice, but there are also methods to create setting with and give a little pep talk to allow time for the actors to get
lighting, music and other special effects that can add a into character. Once the lights come back on, the actors
great deal to your Chronicle as a whole. You may find some have left their own selves behind and there is only the
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