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which made radio and radar parts, many of which were used in equipment
going to the German Armed Forces. The Lorenz Company as I recall it [had] a
50-percent participation in Huth and Company. The Lorenz Company also had
a small subsidiary which acted as a sales agency for the Lorenz Company to
private customers.
Q. You were a member of the board of Lorenz Company's board of director,
from about 1935 up to the present time. During this time, Lorenz Company and
some of the other companies, such as Foeke-Wolfe with which it had large
participations, were engaged in the manufacture of equipment for armaments
and war production. Did you know or did you hear of any protest made by
Colonel Behn or his representatives against these companies engaged in these
activities preparing Germany for war?
A. No.
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CHAPTER FIVE: I.T.T. Works Both Sides of the War
Q. Are you positive that there was no other occasion in which you were asked
by either Westrick, Mann [sic], Colonel Behn or any other person connected
with the International Telephone and Telegraphic Company interests in
Germany, to intervene on behalf of the company with the German authorities.
A. Yes. I don't remember any request for my intervention in any matter of
importance to the Lorenz Company or any other International Telephone and
Telegraph interests in Germany.
I have read the record of this interrogation and I swear that the answers I have
given to the question of Messrs. Adams and Pajus are true to the best of
knowledge and belief. s/Kurt yon Schröder
It was this story of I.T.T.-Nazi cooperation during World War II and I.T.T. association with
Nazi Kurt von Schröder that I.T.T. wanted to conceal  and almost was successful in
concealing. James Stewart Martin recounts how during the planning meetings of the Finance
Division of the Control Commission he was assigned to work with Captain Norbert A.
Bogdan, who out of uniform was vice president of the J. Henry Schroder Banking
Corporation of New York. Martin relates that "Captain Bogdan had argued vigorously
against investigation of the Stein Bank on the grounds that it was 'small potatoes.'"11 Shortly
after blocking this maneuver, two permanent members of Bogdan's staff applied for
permission to investigate the Stein Bank  although Cologne had not yet fallen to U.S.
forces. Martin recalls that "The Intelligence Division blocked that one," and so some
information on the Stein-Schröder Bank-I.T.T. operation survived.
For an excellent review of I.T.T.'s worldwide activities, see Anthony
Sampson, The Sovereign State of I.T.T., (New York: Stein & Day, 1973).
See also Sutton, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, op. cit.
New York Times, August 4, 1933.
See also Chapter Nine for documentary proof of these I.T.T. payments to the
Elimination of German Resources, p. 871.
New York Times, July 20, 1936.
Anthony Sampson reports a meeting between I.T.T. vice president Kenneth
Stockton and Westrick in which the preservation of I.T.T. properties was
planned. See Anthony Sampson, op. cit., p. 39.
There is no substance to reports that Rieber received $20,000 from the Nazis.
These reports were investigated by the F.B.I. with no proof forthcoming. See
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CHAPTER FIVE: I.T.T. Works Both Sides of the War
United States Senate, Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the.
Internal Security Act, Committee on the Judiciary, Morgenthau Diary
(Germany), Volume I, 90th Congress, 1st Session, November 20, 1967,
(Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1967), pp. 316-8. On Rieber
see also Appendix to the Congressional Record, August 20, 1942, p, A 1501-2,
Remarks of Hon. John M. Coffee.
See pp. 128-130 for further details.
James Stewart Martin, op. cit., p. 52.
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CHAPTER SIX: Henry Ford and the Nazis
Henry Ford and the Nazis
I would like to outline the importance attached by high [Nazi] officials to
respect the desire and maintain the good will of "Ford," and by "Ford" I mean
your father, yourself, and the Ford Motor Company, Dearborn. (Josiah E.
Dubois, Jr, Generals in Grey Suits, London: The Bodley Head, 1953, p. 250.)
Henry Ford is often seen to be something of an enigma among the Wall Street elite. For
many years in the 20s and 30s Ford was popularly known as an enemy of the financial
establishment. Ford accused Morgan and others of using war and revolution as a road to
profit and their influence in social systems as a means of personal advancement. By 1938
Henry Ford, in his public statements, had divided financiers into two classes: those who
profited from war and used their influence to bring about war for profit, and the
"constructive" financiers. Among the latter group he now included the House of Morgan.
During a 1938 New York Times interview1 Ford averred that:
Somebody once said that sixty families have directed the destinies of the nation.
It might well be said that if somebody would focus the spotlight on twenty-five
persons who handle the nation's finances, the world's real warmakers would be
brought into bold relief.
The Times reporter asked Ford how he equated this assessment with his long-standing
criticism of the House of Morgan, to which Ford replied:
There is a constructive and a destructive Wall Street. The House of Morgan
represents the constructive. I have known Mr. Morgan for many years. He
backed and supported Thomas Edison, who was also my good friend ....
After expounding on the evils of limited agricultural production  allegedly brought about
by Wall Street  Ford continued,
... if these financiers had their way we'd be in a war now. They want war
because they make money out of such conflict  out of the human misery that
wars bring.
On the other hand, when we probe behind these public statements we find that Henry Ford
and son Edsel Ford have been in the forefront of American businessmen who try to walk
both sides of every ideological fence in search of profit. Using Ford's own criteria, the Fords
are among the "destructive" elements.
It was Henry Ford who in the 1930s built the Soviet Union's first modern automobile plant
(located at Gorki) and which in the 50s and 60s produced the trucks used by the North
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CHAPTER SIX: Henry Ford and the Nazis
Vietnamese to carry weapons and munitions for use against Americans.2 At about the same
time, Henry Ford was also the most famous of Hitler's foreign backers, and he was rewarded
in the 1930s for this long-lasting support with the highest Nazi decoration for foreigners.
This Nazi favor aroused a storm of controversy in the United States and ultimately
degenerated into an exchange of diplomatic notes between the German Government and the
State Department. While Ford publicly protested that he did not like totalitarian
governments, we find in practice that Ford knowingly profited from both sides of World
War II  from French and German plants producing vehicles at a profit for the Wehrmacht,
and from U.S. plants building vehicles at a profit for the U.S. Army.
Henry Ford's protestations of innocence suggest, as we shall see in this chapter, that he did
not approve of Jewish financiers profiting from war (as some have), but if anti-Semitic
Morgan3 and Ford profited from war that was acceptable, moral and "constructive."
Henry Ford: Hitler's First Foreign Backer
On December 20, 1922 the New York Times reported4 that automobile manufacturer Henry
Ford was financing Adolph Hitler's nationalist and anti-Semitic movements in Munich. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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