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A soft rap on the door caught me by surprise. When it opened a crack I could see
Ethan s face.
Kelsy George
 You ready for my help, Charli? They re waiting supper for us.
 Yes, of course. Come in, please. Can you hand me the robe your mother left on the
chair for me? It s all I have to wear tonight. My only clean outfit got somewhat dusty
when I fell this morning.
I was babbling and we both knew it. He brought the robe to me and held it up for
my arm. With the first arm into its sleeve he passed it behind me and aimed it for the
other arm. Then, before I could pull away, he leaned forward and planted a gentle,
loving kiss on my mouth. He backed away immediately. Smart man. He probably knew
after my conversation with Michael s spirit I didn t need him confusing things even
 Come on, love, swing your arm around my neck. I did as I was told and he
picked me effortlessly off the side of the bed.
 You know, one of these times you are going to wear out and drop me. I was
smiling when I said it and I felt his body shake with silent laughter.
 Never, love. Never. You re much too precious to drop. As he said the words the
curtains at the window began to move, gently, and the breeze coming our way was
warm. It wrapped around both of us. I knew what Michael was up to.
 Quit, Michael. It isn t going to work.
There were no answering words, just the book on the table being thrown up then
laid back on the tabletop by an unseen hand. I laughed. And I heard him laugh but at a
great distance. He d left us again.
 Did you get everything sorted out with Michael? Ethan s question brought me
back to the present with a bang.
 I don t know. He won t tell me why he s here. Says he was directed to return and
protect me. He doesn t seem to know from what. Or who. He said it might even be
you. He looked at me abruptly and I knew my words had hurt him.  It s all right,
Ethan. He agrees with me, it isn t you causing me grief. You ve had three years and
done nothing so it seems unlikely you d up and go after me now.
I heard him mutter under his breath. I thought he said  that s what you think , but
I knew I couldn t be right.
 So what s he planning to do? Hang around indefinitely until something happens?
I could tell he wasn t pleased with the suggestion.
 I have no idea. I don t know where he goes when he disappears, although I don t
think he leaves your mother s house. But I can t prove it and he won t tell me.
I wasn t about to tell him the other things Michael said. I was having a hard time
accepting he d want me to find another man. I d been his wife. We d loved each other,
or so I d thought. How could he think I would ever replace him? I would never stop
loving him.
We reached the bottom of the stairs and I realized I still hadn t seen what the hall
looked like. The foyer where the stairs began and ended was a revelation. I d been
Deja You
carried through here so many times I should have seen it, but in the state I d been in
each time nothing had registered. I was looking at a truly Victorian entranceway. There
were light fixtures reminiscent of gaslights. The coat trees appeared to be solid oak with
brass hooks. The walls were painted a shade I thought of as taupe and the trim
everywhere was white. The floor was a soft carpet in a deeper shade than the walls. I
didn t know enough about good carpet to make a guess. The only name I could think of
was Berber.
Against the wall forming one side of the stairway was a chair made of oak, one I
thought I d seen before. When I remembered, I laughed. Right out of  My Fair Lady , it
was the oak chair with the wide arms King Henry sat upon. I had Michael to thank for
the memory. We d watched the movie on TV one night and he d taped it for me. I
watched it whenever the mood hit. It was the only video movie I had.
 Ethan, this is beautiful. Is the whole house like this?
 Yes, although each room is a different color. And believe me, while they might
look like antiques, everything here is a replica and works perfectly well.
 I don t care. It looks authentic. It s wonderful!
He carried me into what I assumed was the formal dining room. Here the walls
were a deep rose color. Again, the trim was white and the big mahogany table in the
middle of the room filled it nicely. Places for five were set at one end. Obviously we
didn t need the whole table. We d have had to yell to be heard if we had been spaced
out along its length.
For whatever reason, the china on the table appeared to be everyday dishes. It
wasn t the fine bone china I m sure was hidden away in one of the cupboards. It looked
like the ironstone I had on my own shelves. As if understanding what was in my mind,
Maddie piped up, looking through the open doorway from what I guessed was the
 Sit down dear. Don t worry. We re using the everyday dishes. We only get out the
good stuff when we have company.
So what did that make me? Chopped liver?
I suddenly realized Maddie and Vivien were treating me as one of the family. I felt
the blood rush to my face. My fair complexion was going to be the death of me.
 It s all right, Charli. Get used to it. They ve decided they like you. You are no
longer a guest, you re one of us. Ethan spoke quietly so only I would hear him. Just as
he finished I heard steps behind us and, looking over his shoulder, saw Doctor Driver
enter the room. He beamed at me.
 I m glad to see you awake, Charli. Feeling better?
 Yes, thank you. Whatever you gave me worked like a charm. I slept, didn t dream
and when I woke up I actually felt rested.
 That s what it s supposed to do. I ll leave you a small quantity of the tablet form in
case you need it again. I ll put them on the table in your room later.
Kelsy George
Maddie and Vivien chose that moment to come back with dishes heaping with
food. The aromas made my mouth water. I thought there might be enough there to feed
ten people but by the time we d all eaten our fill of the roast beef, Yorkshire pudding
and the potatoes and vegetables, there was very little left. Maddie left once and came
back with coffee in tall mugs. Good coffee. Something I hadn t had much of in a long,
long time.
Listening to the conversation going on around me while I ate, I realized I had [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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