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over the world in a lewd photo that she hadn t even posed for. He was ashamed of himself for what
he d thought when he first saw it. How in the world must she be feeling now?
He remembered how cruel he d been to Bodie, to the wife he d married reluctantly and betrayed on
her wedding day. First that, then the internet fiasco. He was more ashamed of himself than he d ever
been in his life.
 Now the question is, what are you going to do? Mallory asked Cane.
He drew in a long breath.  I don t know, he said. His voice had lost all its self-confidence.  I
honestly don t know.
BODIE HAD BEEN DEVASTATED when she found her clothes in cardboard boxes, along with her small
treasures, sitting on the porch of the apartment she d shared with Beth through almost four years of
college. The note had made her sick, because she knew at once what Will had done. She recalled the
two drivers at the truck stop leering at her, and now she knew why. How long had that disgusting
photo been making the rounds of the internet already? And, worse, how was she ever going to stop it?
She told the driver what had happened. He phoned Mallory, who spoke to Bodie gently and then to
the driver. She was taken to a nearby hotel and installed there, and Darby left a truck outside in the
parking lot and gave her the keys. He also handed her an envelope with cash and told her to hush
when she protested. She hugged him.
She went inside and opened her laptop and pulled up the photograph. Then she went into the
bathroom and threw up. It had been the absolute worst day of her life next to losing her father, and,
more recently, her mother and grandfather.
* * *
IN THE WEEK BEFORE classes began, she used her time to try to undo what Will had done to her
reputation. Her little-used Facebook page became a public forum as she explained the motivation for
the vicious internet attack by her stepfather. She ended a post by pointing out that it was never kind to
push someone out of your life without hearing both sides of the story first.
Beth called her the night after the post was published.
 You re right, Beth said quietly.  I was unreasonable and I m very ashamed. I sent Ted a photo of
me in my underwear that went all over the internet before I got it stopped and you were supportive of
me even though it was my fault. I judged you without asking you anything. I m very sorry. She
hesitated.  Will you come back and share the apartment?
 No, Bodie replied.  Thank you for the offer, but I m comfortable here.
 I m really sorry, Bodie. The other woman sounded close to tears.  Especially when I know why
you posed for your stepfather in the first place. I didn t know your grandfather had died....
 I didn t pose for the photograph, Beth. My stepfather used Photoshop to change it. There s proof
and he s being charged for doing it.
 Oh! Beth really sounded shocked now.  Oh, my gosh& !
 You believed what you saw, didn t you? I go to church, I don t even date. But you believed it, after
living with me for almost four years. Bodie s voice was less accusative than sad.
 I m so sorry, Beth said again.
 Thanks. Bodie hung up.
She and Beth had been friends, but never close ones. Still, it was hard to think that her roommate
had believed such lies about her. She wondered how many of their classmates Beth had talked to. Well,
people would read her posts and know the truth. Some might still believe what they d seen, and Bodie
might take some heat for it. But she was going to get her degree, one way or the other, despite the
She thought about Cane with much more heartache. She d seen him kissing another woman. She d
believed he was being unfaithful. Perhaps she, too, was judging on scant evidence. It was a sickening
thought. She d told Mallory to tell Cane she was divorcing him, but she didn t see an attorney. She
could let Cane do that, when he pleased. She was going to put the past away and try to get on with her
future. She d never stop loving him, but trust was another matter. Even if he hadn t planned to cheat
on her, the fact remained that he was flirting with another woman on his wedding day. She couldn t
get past that, no matter how hard she tried. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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