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No doubt his heart was pounding like Wren s.
 We re waiting out there. I don t have all day. I
have shit to do. Fallon opened up the door and
walked out.
 Give us a minute, Sebastian called.
 For making us wait, you can walk the hard-on
walk of shame. Adjust and let s go, Fallon yelled.
Wren blushed for the first time in a century. It
was going to take some time to get used to Fallon.
Warming Up Sebastian
Hell, who was he kidding, he might never get
used to the god.
They walked out hand in hand only to find
Fallon kneeling next to Duncan. He was
whispering soft words to Duncan, and Duncan
was nodding back. Wren couldn t make out the
conversation. Fallon rubbed Duncan s sweaty hair
out of his face before he stood.  Those that are
staying behind need to go and get cloths and put
them in the freezer until they get cold enough,
then use cold cloths on his back. I have a salve in
the Underworld that will help him, and I ll bring it
back to you. That s about the only ointment that
will help him.
Night went over next to Duncan, reaching but
not touching his back.  You know why he s
blistering like this?
 I do. Fallon didn t elaborate.
 Care to share? Night glared at Fallon.
 No. Fallon turned and opened up the front
door.  Let s go. Raven, you re coming, too.
 I don t think so. Raven stood at the
 You re coming, or I call the whole thing off.
Now, are you coming? Fallon zeroed in on
Raven, staring hard at him. Wren wasn t sure
what the hell was going on with Fallon and his
obsession with Raven, but he knew that he was
going to have to discuss it with Night.
Stephani Hecht and Jackie Nacht
Could they be mates? It didn t seem likely.
Fallon was a full god and wouldn t he have
mentioned a tattoo to them? Or Raven, would he
have been able to so vehemently resist his mate?
Wren knew when fate had him meet Sebastian, it
was everything he could do to keep his hands off
Raven growled,  Blackmail?
Fallon smirked.  Persuasion.
Raven angrily walked out the front door. Wren
thought he would actually see steam come off
Raven, but if he wasn t mistaken, there was a
definite bulge in the front of Raven s pants. Did he
like the challenge?
Wren followed the rest out the front. Night
went to get into an SUV, and Fallon stopped him.
 We re not going that way. Grab a hold of me.
 Aww shit, Fallon. You know how this makes
me sick. Sebastian grabbed Fallon s arm before
grabbing Wren s hand and placing it on Fallon s
shoulder. The rest followed, all looking at each
other uneasily.
One moment, they were standing in front of
their home, and the next, they were on the side of
some building in downtown Atlanta. Wren didn t
even have a second to adjust before he was
bending over puking his guts.
Warming Up Sebastian
Chapter Seven
ebastian took several deep breaths so he
wouldn t vomit like Wren was doing. Damn,
but he hated when Fallon took him on his special
rides. They never failed to leave him nauseated
and wobbling around like a drunken circus clown.
Raven took a couple of steps back, then
dropped onto his butt. Fallon, of course, was more
than eager to help the fallen warrior back to his
feet. He grabbed ahold of Raven s hands and
tugged him up.
 Thank you, but you can let go of me now,
Raven said in a tight voice.
 I was just making sure you had your balance
first, Fallon said with an innocence he d never
had and never would possess.
Sebastian rolled his eyes and instantly regretted
it when the motion sent him on his ass. Shit, but
he hated the after effects of popping in and out of
places. It was one of the good things about only
being a demi-god instead of a full one, like Fallon.
Stephani Hecht and Jackie Nacht
And to think that Sebastian used to be a tad
jealous of Fallon when they were younger.
After a few moments, when they all gathered
their bearings and stood, Sebastian asked,  Okay,
so what do we do now?
 We need to find some Blood Demons and see
if we can walk by them undetected, Wren said.
 That shouldn t be so hard. This place is
reeking of them. Raven wrinkled his nose.
Sebastian had to agree. With as many guys who
were wearing all black, had grayish complexions
and soulless eyes, it looked like the entire town
was swarming.
 Okay, does everybody have their necklaces
on? Night asked, adjusting his own obol on his
Sebastian knew he had his on, but he still put
his hand around his neck to make sure. After all,
one couldn t be too careful when fighting Blood
Demons. Then making sure that his large trench
coat was hiding his weapons from view of all the
humans, he nodded to the others he was ready to
They walked out from the side of the building
and into the clearing that led to the main area of
the campus. A group of Blood Demons were
walking right in their direction. Each step closer,
Sebastian s breath quickened. Another step, his
heart beat faster. Another step and Sebastian
Warming Up Sebastian
swore he could hear the bead of sweat that fell
from the tip of his nose.
Then before Sebastian knew it, they were side-
by-side with the Blood Demons. Sebastian tensed,
waiting for them to attack or at least give some
indication that they knew the Birds of Prey and
Sebastian were there. But the Blood Demons
didn t even give them a second glance.
Sebastian held in a breath. While he trusted
Fallon, a part of him still couldn t believe that the
coins had worked. It just seemed too good to be
true. They could actually have some freedom in
life and not be hunted all the time. Sebastian
couldn t wait to get back to the others and tell
them. Aaron and David were going to be so
 I knew Fallon wouldn t let us down,
Sebastian bragged.
 Say what you want, but I saw the fear in your
eyes when those Blood Demons were coming,
Raven snarked.
 Can t you smack him around a little bit for me
or something? Sebastian asked Wren.
Wren rubbed his hand up and down
Sebastian s back.  Not while we re on a mission.
Maybe later on when we get back home and there
are no witnesses.
Stephani Hecht and Jackie Nacht
Fallon let out a small growling noise.  Nobody
better lay a hand on him or they will know my
The warriors all looked shocked, but Sebastian
just laughed.  Ease up with the drama, Fall, I was
just kidding. I wouldn t do any harm to Raven. I
know he s hands-off.
 I don t belong to him, so stop acting like I do,
Raven snarled between gritted teeth. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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