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'I already have someone on the way,' said Abrams smugly.
'And the third?' asked Coogan.
'Well, now, Dr Coogan. This one is the most interesting.'
'Why is that, Abrams?' Judd asked.
'Well, this one has studied three of the computers you mentioned, Dr Coogan.
You know, the advanced, complicated stuff. He took a lot of the seminars at
M.I.T. and
went into a doctoral programme there, but didn't complete it.'
'Ha !' said Coogan.
'And he's into computers enough to have a KB-CRT terminal in his apartment.'
'Perfect,' .Judd said.
'Now,. as for parasensory research, he volunteered as a subject for the
University of Northern California Biomedical Research Centre and apparently
demonstrated several consistent paranormal abilities. U.N.C. published three
papers on the work done ~with him. Here, I have them for you.'
'Well done, Abrams,' said Judd, taking the folders.
'What about his records from U.N.C., Abrams?' asked Coogan. 'We'll need the
psychological profiles they must have done on him and complete records of his
'Well, the administrative office at U.N.C. tells me that those records were
inadvertently misplaced.'
'Goddamn !' Judd grated.
'I pressed them on it, sir, and finally talked with one of the experimenters.
Apparently, the records were stolen at about the time this guy refused to work
with them any longer.'
'Refused?' Coogan asked.
'Seems so, ma'am. There, uh, it's not too clear. I have asked that researcher
to come here to Washington. The psychic seems to have had a lot of original
ideas about research, and there seems to have been several arguments about in
what direction the experimentation should proceed.'
'What happened then?' Judd asked.
'Well, apparently he left the laboratories and refused all invitations to come
'Have someone pick him up wherever he is,' stated Judd promptly. 'I'll get the
necessary warrants if he doesn't come voluntarily.'
'That's going to be tough, sir,' Abrams said solemnly.
'Why? Has he vanished?'
'So to speak, sir.'
'Goddamn it, Abrams! Out with it.'
'Well, sir, his name was Dan Merriweather,' Abrarns said, giving special
emphasis to the name.
Judd looked at him blankly.
'Who?' he asked. 'Is that name supposed to mean something?'
'Harrah, do you spend all your time here in the bowels of your office? Dan
Merriweather! That marvellous rock star, the one who composed so many great
'Oh,' Judd said, a faint look of impatience crossing his face. 'I don't like
rock music.'
'Well, Harrah, Dan Merriweather was hit by a taxi in New York about - wasn't
it about two weeks ago, Abrams?'
'Yes, ma'am, it was. And he was killed. It made headlines all over.'
Without exhibiting the respect that both Abrams and Coogan seemed to think the
name of Dan Merriweather warranted, Judd thoughtfully resumed his seat.
'Thanks a lot, Abrams. You give me what looks like a hot lead, then tell me
he's dead. There's no one else? No one alive, that is?'
'Not so far, sir. But we are still canvassing computer training schools and
comparing names with those we have managed to reconstruct in Dr Coogan's
'Let's also check known revolutionaries and all the usual categories against
the same names. Look also for close relatives of psychics or psychic subjects
who are on the radical fringes.'
'Yes, sir. We've been working on that for two weeks, almost ever since the
yellow-folder sequence.'
'No, sir. Nothing.'
10.00 A.M.
The new message was brief, unlike the other complex telex communication that
had been pages long, revealing the plans and specifications of the two novel
forms of weaponry being developed by the United States and the Soviet Union.
The repercussions to date had been confused in their nature, mainly sporadic
rioting and United Nations scare-conferences, but the threatened destruction
of two cities within the borders of the world's two most powerful nations
changed everything.
A suppressed, unbelieving pandemonium raged in the capital of the United
States. At the Pentagon, most employees, mystified about the nature of the
events, clung magnetically to their stations, and no one went home at the
close of work. Congress, recessed for the summer, was regrouping itself
through heavy rain in Washington for an extraordinary session to discuss no
one knew exactly what.
At the White House, butlers were hard put to it merely to keep ashtrays empty
and to mop up after legions of consultants who brought floods of dripping
rainwater with
them, soaking the American Indian rugs. The chief butler, worn to a frazzle,
finally ordered them rolled up and brought out hundreds of yards of rubber
matting to keep the worried conferees from slipping on the white marble
floors. The chief usher, himself harried after two sleepless days and nights, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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