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illegal. You have to pay a huge fine if you get caught smoking on an airplane.
Points: In some countries, all drivers start off with a certain number of  points . Certain
illegal driving activities cause the driver to lose points. The more points you lose, the
more car insurance you have to pay. Also, if you lose too many points, you can lose your
driver s license.
I m going to have to ask you to step out of the car: Police officers often talk in a
formal way. Instead of just saying,  get out of the car they would say,  I m going to
have to ask you to step out of the car . They both mean the same thing.
Under arrest: If you are  under arrest it means that the police have good reason to
believe you committed a crime and the police have the right to take you to the police
station and handle you in the manner that is appropriate according to the law.
Bribe: Bribing someone means to offer them some reward (often money) to bend the
rules in your favor. For example, offering $100 to your teacher to give you a higher grade
is a form of bribery.
 You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against
you in a court of law :
This sentence is what police officers say to people when they are under arrest in the USA.
The basic idea is that the person arrested is allowed to not say anything at all if they
choose. If the arrested person does say something, the police have the right to mention it
in the court.
Cuffing: This is a slang term for  putting hand cuffs on someone . Hand cuffs are made
of strong metal and they lock the arrested person s hands together. It is very difficult to
fight or cause harm if you are wearing hand cuffs.
English Learning Conversation
A: Excuse me. Do you know if this is the flight to Toronto?
B: Yes it is. It says so right on the big sign over there.
A: Oh ya. Stupid question. I guess I m just a bit nervous. It s my first
B: Really. Wow. Ok. Well, there s nothing to be nervous about. It s
about as safe as driving. The only thing you should be nervous about is
the airplane food. It s hardly appetizing.
A: I m just worried about how boring it s gonna be. 12 hours crammed
into that tiny seat. I know I won t be able to sleep. I also get motion
sickness sometimes too.
B: Here. Take some Gravol. It s perfect for motion sickness and it will
help you sleep too. You should also chew gum during take off and
landing so that your ears don t pop with the pressure changes.
A: Thanks a lot! By the way, do you find it difficult to sleep on the
B: I don t have any problems because I fly first class.
A: Wow. Those tickets are really expensive.
B: Ya, but it s worth it. I wouldn t be caught dead flying cattle class.
Phrases and Vocabulary used:
Airplane food: This is the kind of food that is served on airplanes during flights. It s
common for people to complain about airplane food. So when you hear  airplane food
you can imagine that the food they are talking about isn t very tasty.
Hardly appetizing: If food is  appetizing it means it is good and makes you feel like
eating more. If some food is described as being  hardly appetizing it means that it isn t
good and it won t make you feel like eating.
Motion sickness: This is a kind of sick feeling that some people get when they are in a
moving car, bus, or airplane. If it is severe, it makes some people throw up or almost
throw up. It is a very unpleasant feeling.
Gravol: This is the brand name of a popular type of medicine, which is given to people
to relieve motion sickness. It also works if you have an  upset stomach for some other
reason like being too nervous. Some people also like to take it during a long airplane ride
because it helps them to relax and makes it easier to sleep.
 Chew gum so that your ears don t pop with the pressure changes : Some people s
ears feel a kind of pressure or pain while on an airplane. This is because the air pressure
in the airplane is different when the airplane is on the ground and in the air. If you are
bothered with this  ear popping feeling, it helps to chew gum when the airplane is both
taking off and landing.
I wouldn t be caught dead& : If someone says that they  wouldn t be caught dead
doing something, it means that they really would hate to do that thing and would be really
embarrassed if someone knew they did it. Someone might say,  I wouldn t be caught
dead wearing a shirt like that . It means, they really don t like the shirt and would be
really embarrassed for someone to see them wearing it.
Cattle class: This is an uncommon phrase that I heard someone say once. I thought it
was funny so I included it in the dialog. Cattle are cows.  Cattle class here refers to
 economy class . Economy class tickets are the regular plane tickets that most people
buy. His joke was that he wouldn t want to ride in the same place with all the cows. He
was referring to the regular passengers as being cows. It s not nice but it sounded funny
as a joke.
English Learning Conversation
A: Hey, you look great. Did you just get back from vacation?
B: No. Why?
A: What do you mean why? It s the middle of winter and everyone
else is as white as a ghost. You look like you ve been lying on a
beach somewhere.
B: Alright, I ll tell you. But I don t want to hear any of your
negativity. I ve been hitting the tanning salon once a week.
A: I don t see anything wrong with that. I d actually like to try it.
What s it like?
B: The place I go you have to pay by the minute. It costs about 75
cents per minute and you really just need to go for one, twelve-minute
session per week. You can get 20% off if you buy their $25 VIP card.
A: What do you think about the safety of them?
B: Many experts warn of the cancer causing risks of tanning. They say
that overexposure to UVA and UVB rays cause genetic mutations
that lead to skin cancer. I try to play it fairly safe and make sure I don t
go too often. I also don t go in for longer than 12 minutes.
A: That s a good idea. How long do some people go?
B: Some people seem to get addicted to it. I ve met several people
who go 5 times a week and tan for 20 minutes per session. I d
personally be afraid to do that much, not only because of the cancer
risk, but also because of the pre-mature aging of the skin. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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