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of explaining to do when Arslan caught hold of them. If there was a single mark on Ryland, no
explanation was going to prove sufficient.
* * * *
Four days later, Arslan stormed into the lions den. The tire treads in the driveway
implied that the sacrifice had already been delivered to the pride. The prospect of seeing another
beautiful blond boy who wasn t Ryland standing on the hearth rug did little to make him feel
better about the world.
He faltered and paused on the threshold, so exhausted he wasn t immediately sure if his
mind was playing tricks on him.
He turned very slowly towards the door leading into the library. The other lions were
there, just as he knew they would be. A naked human stood in the middle of them, just as he
He watched, frozen in place as several the lions circled the young man in their midst. The
other lions were so focused on whatever game they were playing, they hadn t heard him enter the
His roar took them all off guard.
Chapter Five
When he launched himself through the doorway, Arslan was entirely human. By the time
he landed in the middle of the scattering pride, he was all lion. Shaking out his mane, he
impatiently cast aside the torn remnants of his clothes.
Only one man had remained in place while the others fled.
He stood stock still in the middle of the hearth rug, trussed up in the same stupid way the
humans always insisted on delivering the sacrifices. It wasn t so much bravery as a prey s
instinct to freeze when he heard a predator s roar. Even knowing that, Arslan still found himself
feeling proud of his pet for holding his ground when the lions hadn t.
As the leader of the pride glared into the corners of the room, none of the younger lions
dared to raise their eyes. Not one of them moved. Even Blaine and Luther seemed to have
realized they had gone too far this time. Circling Ryland as if he was just any human,
surrounding him when they couldn t have failed to sense his fear&
Arslan snarled as he circled Ryland himself, his claws catching at the hearth rug as a
human temper mingled with a lion s instinct to protect his mate, and both demanded to be given
free reign. The other lions pressed themselves back into the farthest edges of the room as their
understanding of the situation deepened.
A log crackled in the fireplace. Ryland s gasp called Arslan s attention back to his mate.
Morphing back into his human shape, he stood behind the younger man. He ran entirely human
eyes over every inch of Ryland s naked body. They saw nothing his lion s sight had missed. The
pale skin bore no bruises, no scars.
Taking a deep breath, Arslan filled his lungs with Ryland s scent, filled his mind with
Ryland s emotions. His pet was tired and anxious, but that seemed to be the worst of it. Ryland
was back. He was safe and to all appearances, unharmed by his time away from the pride. Arslan
let out the breath as relief flooded though his veins.
 Sir? the younger man whispered.
Arslan s relief wasn t enough to wipe away all the other emotions that burned their way
through his mind as he searched and failed to find the other man.  You disappeared. The
accusation hung between them, each word laced with an anger Arslan wasn t strong enough to
keep hidden from his pet.
Ryland swallowed rapidly, but didn t say anything.
 Speak! He had to hear the other man speak.
A shocked little noise escaped from between Ryland s lips. He swallowed and tried
again.  I gave the money back.
Arslan frowned at as much of his lover s expression as was visible to him. It was
impossible to get any real sense of what the younger man was thinking while his eyes were
hidden away.
A second s work on the buckle and he tore the blindfold from Ryland s eyes. The smaller
man blinked up at Arslan, then quickly looked down.
Arslan studied his pet for several long seconds. He was afraid now. Not scared as he had
been when the other lions were circling him. His scent made it seem as if he was far more afraid
of explaining his actions to his master than he had been of anything else.
 Out. All of you, Arslan ordered the other lions.
He was vaguely aware of the other men as they slunk out of the room and closed the door
softly behind them, but he didn t break eye contact with Ryland to watch them leave.
 You re back with your master now, you re safe, he reminded his mate.
Ryland didn t seem to take the reassurance he should have from the statement. Arslan ran
his eyes over the younger man s body once more. Every instinct he possessed told him that the
younger man hadn t been hurt while he was away from his pride, but right then, his instincts
didn t feel like enough not with a human. The idea that his pet might be hurt and his master
was unable to tell clenched around his stomach, and he didn t even know how to ask the other
man for the truth.
Humans weren t lions. They had to be protected and cherished and kept safe in the center
of whichever pride took them in. Acutely aware that he had already failed Ryland on that score
once, Arslan s determination that it should never happen again doubled over and over inside him.
It was exacerbated by his sudden uncertainty over how well he could read a human from his
He couldn t look after his lover the way he should if Ryland was going to disappear. He
couldn t retrieve his pet from whatever trouble he d got himself into if his pet didn t provide him
with suitable information when the opportunity presented itself.
 Did you know where you were? Arslan asked.
Ryland hesitated.
Arslan frowned. The answer should have been a formality. The younger man shouldn t
have had to hesitate before letting his master know he couldn t be blamed for what happened. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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