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policy should be pursued toward the Indian? Who were the Northmen? What traditions about their having
discovered and settled America? Are these stories credible? Are there any remains of this people now
existing? Were their discoveries of any value? At what date does the history of this country begin? Name the
subjects and limits of the six epochs into which this history is divided.
19. What was the state of geographical knowledge in Europe in the fifteenth century? Why could not sailors
have crossed the ocean before as well as then? Why were books of travel more abundant then? Why so
eagerly read?
20. By what route were the goods from the East obtained? What was the problem of that day? Columbus's
idea? What facts strengthened his view? (See p. 21.) Tell something of his life.
21. Why did he seek assistance? Before whom did he lay his plan? How was it received? Did the king treat
him fairly? To whom did Columbus apply next? How was he regarded? What reply was made him?
22. What did Columbus's friends do for him? What offer did Queen Isabella make? Were her jewels sold?
A Brief History of the United States
What new trouble assailed Columbus? What vessels composed his fleet? Give some of the incidents of the
23 Did Columbus waver? (There seems to be no truth in the common statement that he promised to turn back,
if he did not discover land in three days.) Describe the discovery of land. The landing. When and where was
this? What region did Columbus think he had reached? What was the result? For what did he search? What
other islands did he discover?
24. Describe his reception on his return. How many subsequent voyages did Columbus make? What
settlement did he make? (p. 289.) Did he discover the main-land? Did he know that he had found a new
continent? Where is Columbus's tomb? How was the continent named?
25. What was the plan of John Cabot? What discoveries did he make? Did his discoveries antedate those of
Columbus? Where and when is it probable the American continent was discovered? What discoveries did
Sebastian Cabot make? Did England improve them? Of what value were they?
26. What four nations explored the territory of the future United States? What portion of the continent did
each explore? What was the feeling in Spain? What effect was produced? Why did Ponce de Leon come to
the new world?
27. What land did he discover? Why did he so name it? What success did he meet? What discovery did
Balboa make? Describe the expedition of De Narvaez. Its fate. Of De Soto. Of De Ayllon.
28. What region did De Soto traverse? Did he make any valuable discoveries? What river was his burial
place? When? What became of his companions?
29. When, where, and by whom was the first town in the United States founded? Meaning of the word
California in the sixteenth century? Why did Cortez explore that region? Who made the first voyage along the
Pacific coast? Which is the second oldest town in the United States? When and by whom founded? What was
the great wish of maritime nations?
30. What was the extent of the Spanish possessions in the new world? Who was the first French navigator to
reach the continent? When? What name did he give it? Who discovered the River St. Lawrence? Why did he
so name it? Ans. From the name of the day on which it was discovered. Why was Montreal so named?
Describe the attempt to plant a colony of convicts. Why did this fail?
31. Who were the Huguenots? What was Coligny's plan? Who led the first expedition? Fate of the colony?
The second expedition? Amusing story of the longevity of the Indians?
32. Fate of the colony? What French navigator was the next to ascend the St. Lawrence? How did he find
things at Hochelaga? When, where, and by whom was the first permanent French settlement made in
America? How much land was granted?
33. When, where, and by whom was the first permanent French settlement made in Canada? What journey
did Champlain make? What discoveries? The consequence of his trip? Who explored the Mississippi valley?
What relics of them remain? Tell something of their heroism. Of Father Marquette. Of his death.
34. Of La Salle. What were the results of French enterprise? How did it compare with English enterprise?
When did the English awake to the importance of American discovery? Who made the first attempt to carry
out Cabot's plan?
A Brief History of the United States
35. What success did he have? Was the discovery of gold profitable? What discovery did Sir Francis Drake
36. What was the view of Sir Humphrey Gilbert? His fate? Who adopted his plan? Give some account of Sir
Walter Raleigh. Why was Virginia so named? Where did Raleigh plant his first colony? Give its history. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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