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 He may succeed.
Tyrene s face fell.  Yes, my lord. And I accept full responsibility.
 At risk of contradicting you, my lord, I  
 No, Incarnadine said again, softly but firmly.  You will not berate
yourself. You have done your very best and have inflicted grievous losses on
the enemy. You have made him pay in blood.
Tyrene protested with a quick shake of the head.  Were it not for special
 Tyrene. Incarnadine s smile was benevolently admonishing.
The captain s shoulders slumped.  Yes, my lord. I will say no more. He
shuffled his feet and muttered,  Still, it
1%20-%20Castle%20Perilous.htm (24 of 111)19-2-2006 3:47:03
DeChancie%20-%20Castle%2001%20-%20Castle%20Perilous.htm makes no sense.
 Don t you think the castle a worthy prize for a conqueror?
 Why & I suppose. But what good can it do Vorn? Surely the last thing he needs
is another fortress.
 Perhaps he means to steal our magic.
Tyrene knitted his brow, nodding.  Yes, maybe that s what drives him. But even
he should know that only a
Haplodite can tap the castle s deepest source of power.
 It may be he does not know. Or has been deliberately misled.
 Aye, it could be. If so, it s her doing.
Incarnadine did not answer. He shifted his weight and placed his left foot on
the lower crossbar of the rail.  Then, of course, there is always the
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attraction of booty.
Tyrene laughed.  I have lived all my life in and about Castle Perilous and
have yet to catch even a whiff of where the treasure room might be.
 Again, he may not be aware of the peculiarities of this place. Incarnadine
mused for a moment, then said,  I
think I would have trouble finding it myself. Haven t been there in years. As
I remember, it lies within one of the more stable areas, but its position may
have drifted somewhat over time.
With a sweep of his hand, Incarnadine changed the scene below to full
The line of gigantic belfries was moving slowly toward the curtain wall. The
infantry marched in files behind, ready to mount the stairs inside the towers.
When the belfries drew close enough to the wall, the invaders would pour out
through the top, crossing to the wall walk by means of drawbridges let down
from the tops of the towers.
 Then again, Incarnadine said,  it may be Vorn has taken a fancy to our Pale
and wants a summer residence.
Tyrene regarded him gravely for a moment, then broke into sudden laughter.  A
fine jest, my lord. His mirth was disproportionate, being, as it was, an
overdue release from the tensions of battle.
Incarnadine waited until Tyrene had wiped the tears from his eyes, then took
his foot from the rail and straightened.
The infantry were marching in double-time, and had begun mounting the
stairways inside the belfries.
 The time has come, Incarnadine said.
 The sky dragons again, my lord?
 I think not  this time.
Incarnadine stood back from the rail and raised both arms. He closed his eyes
and stood unmoving for a moment.
Then, quickly and with great precision, he commenced tracing patterns in the
air. Touching the tips of his index fingers together above his head, he parted
them and brought them around and down in two semicircles to meet again at the
bottom, thereby completing the Great Circle. He stepped back to examine his
work, as if the figure were visible. Stepping forward again, he outlined a
series of arcs linking points of the circumference, connecting the midpoints
of these with lines to form a square within the circle.
He executed more lines, more figures within figures, his brow knitted, tiny
beads of sweat springing to it like a sudden dew.
Watching, Tyrene stepped back warily.
Presently, Incarnadine s spell figure, composed of faintly glowing red
filaments, began to take form in the air.
Keep  Elsewhere
 WE RE LOST AGAIN, Snowclaw said.
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 Tell me something new.
Gene scratched his head and looked around. They had followed a spiral
stairwell down to this, a spacious airy room with numerous window alcoves. An
Oriental rug covered the flagstone at the far end of the room, and on it were
positioned various pieces of furniture  a divan, a few straight-back chairs,
two low tables. A sideboard set against the wall held several wrought-iron
candelabras bearing the stubs of burned tapers. The alcoves were set at even
intervals along the right wall; a single flush window was cut into the far
wall, and to the left, an arched
1%20-%20Castle%20Perilous.htm (25 of 111)19-2-2006 3:47:03
DeChancie%20-%20Castle%2001%20-%20Castle%20Perilous.htm doorway led through to
the descending spiral of another stairwell.
Gene said,  Linda, do you remember Dalton saying to go right at that first
landing? Or was it left?
Linda stepped past him, following Snowclaw toward the windows.
 I m sure he said right. And we went right. That s all I m sure of, though.
 Damn. Well, maybe we just keep following the stairs. But it seems to me we
should have come to that grand ballroom by now.
Yawning, Gene walked to the far end of the room and flopped down on the divan.
He yawned again and keeled over on his side.
 Tired, he said quietly, closing his eyes.
Snowclaw said,  Hey, Gene. Come look at this.
Gene s eyes popped open.  What? He cranked himself up and shuffled over to
the alcove into which Snowclaw and Linda had squeezed themselves. They were
leaning out of the narrow Gothic window and looking up, Linda bending and
ducking her head under Snowclaw s outstretched arm. Gene craned his neck,
couldn t see a thing, so he stepped back and went into the next alcove. He
looked out.
There was nothing above but clear sky. Hundreds of feet below, waves crashed
onto black rocks at the foot of a shear cliff. There was nothing below the
window. Gene gasped and put his arms out, bracing himself against the stone
jambs. The window was suspended in air, floating a few feet above the edge of
the cliff. The angle was disorienting; the window was canted vertiginously
forward, unnaturally raising the horizon ahead. The whole world out there was
cockeyed. Gene stepped back and turned around. The room was level, just as
before. He looked out again, trying to adjust to the strange perspective.
Nearby, other craggy promontories rose from the water like the heads of sea
monsters. He bent and looked out. The dark band of a squall line edged the
Between it and the rocks, about a mile out to sea, a long, high-masted ship
tacked through choppy waters, its sails billowing, a voluminous spinnaker
blooming off the prow.
 Hey, this is weird.
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