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and lighting the fireplace.
 These supplies should last you for the full week, she informed
Gareth.  You will want to supplement them with what you can
harvest from the forest. Izbal can show you what fruits are safe to
 Where is Izbal? he asked, looking around to see if she had
accompanied the serving women.
 Your wife will be along shortly. You need to be patient while we
prepare her for you. The woman smiled.  Clearly, you know nothing
of our customs. But you will learn. She pointed at the bed, then at
44 Cassandra Pierce
him.  We might as well start at once. Go over there and take off your
Gareth didn t think he d heard her right.  What?
 No need for modesty. I am the grand potentate s body servant
and have prepared him for each of his wives on their wedding nights,
not to mention many other men over the years. Unless you are built
differently than most, I have no particular interest in what you hide
beneath your clothes. Now do as I say, so you are ready when your
bride arrives.
Gareth opened his mouth to argue, but the stubborn woman
standing in front of him with her arms crossed would not be dissuaded
from her task. Resigned to his fate, he dropped to the edge of the bed,
kicked off his shoes, then began to unbutton his dress uniform.
Without expression or comment, the older woman grabbed each
article of clothing he shed, handing it off to a younger woman who
suppressed a titter as she stuffed everything into one of two woven
baskets at her feet. Soon, he stood up and pushed down his trousers,
baring himself to all of them. The older woman remained stone-faced,
but he was acutely aware that her younger charges were staring at him
and whispering among themselves.
 Enough! The matron clapped her hands, and the noises stopped.
 If you are through arranging the table, you may leave. He is not
yours to look at. You all will have to wait until you find your own
husbands. Now go.
Reluctantly the servant girls filed out. The matron pushed aside
the basket containing his uniform and reached inside the other one,
drawing out a small clay jar and what appeared to be a sponge.
With an air of brusque indifference, she poured a scented liquid
from the jar onto the sponge and began to scour him. Gareth had to
admit the sensation was intriguing, as the coarse sponge deposited a
soft unguent that sank into the skin of his chest and back. He flinched,
though, when she moved to his front and dipped between his legs.
Captain Gareth s Mates 45
 Keep still, she admonished.  You want to be ready for your
bride, I assume? If you are to enjoy one another s bodies, your bodies
must be worthy of being enjoyed. The touch of the oil-coated sponge
on his groin prompted an involuntary, but not entirely unexpected,
physical reaction from his lower region. The matron smiled and took
a step back to admire him.  Ah. Izbal should enjoy her wedding night
 Do you mean she s undergoing the same...ah& preparations?
 The procedure is a bit different for a woman, but yes. She will
come to you ready to consummate your union.
The matron stepped away and removed a bundle of cloth from the
basket. As the oil on his skin dried, she unfurled a hand-stitched robe
to wrap around him. Finally, she motioned for him to wait on the bed
and left him to his own thoughts.
He paced for a few moments in agitation, but somewhat to his
relief Izbal did not immediately appear. Gareth stretched out, hands
behind his head, and tried to plan his next move. His first impulse was
to slip away and find some method of returning to his ship, after
which he could send some reasonable excuse and a request for
annulment back to Izbal s father. The only thing stopping him was the
thought of her disgrace, perhaps even punishment, for driving him
away. On the other hand, spending a week in isolation with a
woman a wife he didn t love weighed on him like a prison
sentence. Suspecting she was attracted to him, as he now did, made
the situation far worse.
If only he d found a way to stop the madness before things had
spiraled this far out of control. His sole remaining option was to find a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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