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so bright he could see nothing else, and he heard the voices before he saw
their source. They were like chimes ringing in a shifting breeze, like glass
singing in a fire, like a stream chortling in a carved channel.
They were surely the voices of the draconae, and FullSky for a moment could
not move or breathe or utter a sound to make his presence known.
Nor did he have to.
You who have entered, said a voice floating toward him.
You are different from those who have tried before.
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Indeed, FullSky whispered. I am a friend. I cannot see you.
But if you are the draconae, the dreaming, the singing onesWe areThen-and he
paused, barely glimpsing the presence of the others, fluttering in the Dream
Mountain's underrealm-then know that I am
FullSky, son of Highwing andr SkyTouch, and I am reaching out to you in
desperate hope, from the dungeons of the Dark Vale.
There was a sound of rushing wind, and another change, not quite
instantaneous, more like an eyeblink. He was wafted into a darkness, but a
warm darkness-and he felt something stirring near him, the flutter of fragile
wings. He felt a breath close, and he glimpsed the movement of pale luminous
figures, almost too dim to be seen. Wait, he heard.
Chapter 27
THE POOL OF VISIONS THE SWIRLINGsnow was finally abating, the air clearing to
reveal a landscape that took Jael's breath away, even through the distortion
of the fractured rigger-net. The mountain trail was winding down out of the
barren heights toward a glen of some sort;
she glimpsed trees rising from the shadows. In the distance an oblate red sun
shone over a majestic range of mountains, peaks gleaming with ice and snow,
the lower flanks jutting angles of maroon and brown rock.
As she descended, ship on her back, she saw clusters of trees below, with
burnished purple and gold leaves. She glimpsed a stream tumbling down from a
cliff face. Ahead of her, floating down into the glen, was the hazy and
ethereal iffling, in the shape of a dragon.
Jael felt her spirits lifting. This looked like the sort of place where
dragons might gather, and perhaps share word with her of the struggle. But as
more of the glen drew into sight, she searched in vain for any sign of
dragons, or any animate life other than the iffling. Her spirits sank again.
She felt terribly lonely. Ed had not returned from his search for
At. Once, she thought she had actually heard At's voice, calling out-not to
her, but to Ed-but only once, and then the voice was lost again in the cottony
interstices of the damaged net. Jael knew she had to forget At and Ed and put
the most urgent tasks before her, and not give in to fear, But her heart ached
for the company of her friends.
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She was terrified that she had damaged the net irreparably, and that this was
where they would all die, uselessly. Words had come back to her from a
conversation with Kan-Kon, words she'd not paid much attention to at the time,
distracted as she'd been by other thoughts.
"From that one's death . . . will the ending be wrought . .
."-words that he seemed not to have understood particularly, but which now
made her sick with fear. She longed for Windrush. He could make sense of all
this. She desperately wanted to believe that he had heard her call, or
somehow sensed her presence.
The trail twisted to the left, dropped steeply for a few steps, then bent back
the other way and sloped more gently down into the glen.
The iffling, ahead of her, was pulsing.
It seemed to want her to hurry.
She wondered again if she really ought to trust it. But what choice did she [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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