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fucked her, the word he was even now repeating over and over again as he rubbed her wet flesh. Mine.Janet somehow understood that leamsa meantmine . Her body reacted to his possessiveness, her nipples hardening and her breath quickening. Leamsa. She gasped as he impaled her, her flesh slurping up the impressive length of his cock, her labia reflexively arching skyward for more. He gave it to her. Euan gritted his teeth as he slid in and out of her, thrusting into her depths in long, penetrating thrusts. Leamsa. Oh god. He pummeled faster, pounded harder, thrust into her to the hilt. Over and over. Again and again. Leamsa. The slapping sound of her soaked flesh sucking up his cock reverberated, grew louder and lustier as she grew wetter and wetter. Leamsa. Janet thrust her buttocks back towards him, meeting each of his thrusts as he gave them to her. The harsh jiggling of her breasts caused her already sensitized nipples to grow that much harder. Euan, she moaned out. Oh god...Euan. She buried her face in the bed furs as her body began to convulse, her labia contracting around his steely flesh. She half screamed and half sobbed from the pleasure, so powerful was her orgasm. Leamsa, he roared possessively, his jaw clenching. His callused fingers dug into the flesh of her hips as he thrust faster and faster, harder and harder. His muscles were tensed, the veins in his neck and arms bulging, his balls impossibly tight from the need to burst. Janet moaned, continuing to meet his thrusts with thrusts of her own. Yes Euan, she groaned, god yes. And then she was coming again, pulsing around him again, contracting again, moaning like a mortally wounded animal because the pleasure was so acute as to border on the painful. Tha, te bheag, he gritted out, taom a-mach e. Yes, little one. Pour it out. Oh god. Waves and waves and waves of pleasure shot through her, jutting out her nipples like hard gems, heating her face like a furnace, sending her over Page 30 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html a cliff of sensation. Leamsa, he growled definitively, slapping into her deeply for a final thrust. Gritting his teeth and closing his eyes, he groaned as he erupted, spurting his orgasm deep inside of her. A suspended moment later, when the intensity had died down a bit and some sense of rational normalcy settled in, Janet began to wonder why Euan was still holding onto her hips, thereby forcing her buttocks and labia to remain skyward. Confused, she drew herself up as far on her elbows as he would allow, then glanced over her shoulder to study his face. The mask was back, that stone cold façade that broached no argument and allowed no leniency. And yet, conversely, his black eyes blazed more possessively than she d ever seen them before. A chill of foreboding swept through her, causing her eyes to widen and her throat to parch. He was about to do something or say something and she had no idea what. All she could do was wait. Sit there on all fours, her labia on display for him, and wait for whatever it was that he was about to command. And then his large, callused hands were reaching under her and grabbing her breasts. He found the nipples, pinched them between his thumbs and forefingers, and locked gazes with her. Leamsa, he said softly. Too softly. He tugged at them a bit so there would be no mistaking his meaning. Tha? Yes? Janet s eyes widened further. Tha? he asked more sharply, pinching her nipples again. He wanted her to say it. He wanted her to acknowledge an ownership of sorts over her. She hesitated for a moment, uncertain as to what she should do. She didn t want to stay in the past, no matter how enjoyable these past few hours had been. Eventually, however, the look in his eyes scared her into nodding. She would not say the word, but she would nod. When she submitted Euan released one nipple, then used his free hand to trail down to the soaked and swollen flesh between her thighs. He slid two large fingers in her to the hilt, then met her gaze once more. Leamsa, he murmured, his deep voice a rumble of authority and power. Tha? She nodded briskly. Tha? he asked again, louder, angry now. She nodded again, assuming he hadn t seen the small gesture. Tha? he bellowed, thrusting his fingers in again and pinching one of her nipples. [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ] |