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while one part of her urged her to fight him, another urged her to crouch low at his feet,
waiting for him to stroke through her coat. She couldn t detect a single trace of fear
from him. How sure was this bastard of himself? Arrogant male.
And then he d spoke, his beautiful deep voice calling to her. Before she knew it,
she d closed the distance between them and found herself rubbing her head against his
thigh. His fingers stroked along her back, and she crouched low, the vibration of a purr
running through her belly.
Then he laid under her, defenseless, still no fear in his eyes.
Instead of killing him, she licked his face.
Something in her wanted to die at her display of affection while another wanted to
celebrate. A tremor shook her as she battled with herself. In the second she opened her
jaw to sink her teeth into his throat, he pushed her off. She tumbled away, sensing the
new smell in the air as he shifted.
If she d been in her human body, she d have screamed. So, she only jumped
backward as the jaguar came toward her on silent paws, green eyes glittering, the coat a
deep, deep black, jaws strong enough to snap her neck in one bite. In his feline form, he
was as stunning as he was fearsome. She met his green gaze, smelled his male scent,
and dashed toward the roof.
She took the first jump without thinking, trying to put as much distance between
herself and him. One look into his green eyes and she d known she d have to get away.
She recognized a lost fight when she saw one.
She landed on the last roof, already seeing her pile of clothes, and started to shift
when a powerful blow swiped her off balance. Mid-shift, she crashed against the house
Jaguar s Claim
wall, and a scream tore from her throat when she found herself back in her human
body. Her weak, completely useless human body. The big cat was on top of her quicker
than she had time to defend herself. He growled, a low sound vibrating in the air. She
closed her eyes, trying to shift to better defend herself.
 Damn, she cursed, realizing that fear screwed up her concentration. If he still
intended to have his revenge and kill her, she couldn t stop him. A tremor started to
spread through her entire body, and she ground hard on her teeth, trying to control her
nerves, but the fear that he would sink his teeth into her jugular wouldn t go away. She
kept her eyes shut as his warm breath skimmed over her body, tickling her neck.
It didn t feel all that bad.
Squinting open one eye, she met his calm green gaze.  Shift back, she whispered,
adding a silent please to it. She sank her hands into his black coat, her palms turning
slick with sweat. Working her fingers through his coat, muscles started moving and
stretching under her hands, his body twisting in itself. She watched him shift, forcing
herself to observe what non-shifters called a stomach-turning process. But she just
recognized their likeness, the beauty of his nature; they were the same. Two of a kind.
Amazed at the speed with which he shifted, she met his dark gaze, void of any trace
of animal. Grasping for words, drowning in his stare, she closed her eyes when he
lowered his head, and waited for his kiss.
 Caught you, he whispered against her lips.
Her breath hitched when he licked across her throat, and he palmed her breast as if
trying to feel her heartbeat. Her nipples hardened under his mouth, the lick of his
tongue. Kissing down her stomach, moving between her legs, he licked the inside of her
 Spread your legs, he said, running his palm down her thighs, forcing her to bare
herself to him completely.
Sucking in a breath, she grew tense in anticipation of his next touch.
Amy Redwood
He flicked his tongue against her clit. She balled her hands, a moan slipping from
her mouth. His hard breathing reached her ears, spiking her own lust. He licked over
her pussy, thrust his tongue inside her, making her catch her breath. Funneling her
fingers through his hair, she writhed on the ground as he gave her pussy lick after lick
from the bottom up to her clit.
 Oh fuck, she whispered, fighting the pleasure he inflicted so easily on her body
and mind, but her muscles coiled tight, her orgasm one touch of his probing tongue
away. His powerful body moved under her hands, and when he licked her again, she
bucked against him, her climax so hard and fast, she screamed. Her breathing still too
fast, she was yanked upright.
He pulled her against him.  This was fun.
 Fun, she echoed weakly, her legs still trembling, and fear made a rapid comeback.
He touched her soul in a way no one ever had. It was like a piece clicked into place,
filling a space that d been empty.
It scared the hell out of her.
 Let me go, she whispered,  please. She stepped away from him, thankful that he
let her. She slipped hastily into her skirt and threw on her blouse while he watched
wordlessly. When she picked up her bag, he moved toward her. She held up her hand.
 Don t stop me.
 Don t run away, Tanesha, he said, his gaze pleading.  We can talk 
 Not now. She swallowed, her throat too dry. The sight of him naked, his cock
erect against his flat stomach, sent new heat into her body. She bit her lip hard to hold
back a moan. If anything, she felt even greater need to have him inside her than before.
She heard him whisper her name and her heart cramped.  No. She shook her head.
 It s too much& 
Everything about him made her seriously unbalanced. As if she were on a ship
during a storm and caught off balance by a freak wave. The intense feelings she had for
him left her nauseated. She fled down the fire escape and tripped over her feet.
Jaguar s Claim
Hanging on with one hand, she crashed against the rusty ladder, tearing her blouse on a
Swallowing a shout of pain, she felt the metal scrape over her shoulder blade. Her
grasp around the ladder loosened and she fell to the ground. The impact drove the
breath from her lungs. When she straightened, she took a second to thank whatever god
was listening that she hadn t broken any bones, and slipped into her shoes then ran to
the street to hail a cab.
When one stopped with screeching tires hailing cabs wearing an unbuttoned
blouse and no bra seemed to work well she hauled herself into the backseat. While she
gave the grinning driver directions, she buttoned her blouse. She opened her bag and
took out her cell phone. She hit the speed dial, trying to reach Serena. She needed
someone to talk to, a friendly ear. Also, she thought, pulling out the bracelet from her
bag, she wanted the charm back on her wrist, because no amount of alcohol would
quench the feeling that she ran away from the best thing she d ever come across in her
She shook her head. No, she was silly, her hormones talking. He couldn t be her
mate. That was utterly and completely ridiculous.
As the driver drove at breakneck speed through the streets of Manhattan, she [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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