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when ye behold the Ixir turned into Tyrian colour, then have ye found that which the Philosophers discovered before you. If
ye understand my words (and although my words be dead, yet is there life therein for those who understand themselves), they
will forthwith explain any ambiguity occurring herein. Read, therefore, repeatedly, for reading is a dead speech, but that
which is uttered with the lips the same is living speech. Hence we have ordered you to read frequently, and, moreover,
ponder diligently over the things which we have narrated.
The Fortieth Dictum.
Jargus saith:- Thou hast left obscure a part of thy discourse, O Bacsen!
And he:- Do thou, therefore, Jargus, in thy clemency shew forth the same!
And he answereth:- The copper of which thou hast before spoken is not copper, nor is it the tin of the vulgar; it is our true
work (or body) which must be combined with the body of Magnesia, that it may be cooked and pounded without wearying
until the stone is made. Afterwards, that stone must be pounded in its vessel with the water of nitre, and, subsequently, placed
in liquefaction until it is destroyed. But, all ye investigators of this art, it is necessary to have a water by which the more you
cook, so much the more you sprinkle, until the said copper shall put on rust, which is the foundation of our work. Cook,
therefore, and pound with Egyptian vinegar.
The Forty-First Dictum.
Zimon saith:- Whatsoever thou hast uttered, O Jargos, is true, yet I do not see that the whole Turba hath spoken concerning
the rotundum.
Then he:- Speak, therefore, thine opinion concerning it, O Zimon!
Zimon saith:- I notify to Posterity that the rotundum turns into four elements, and is derived out of one thing.
The Turba answereth:- Inasmuch as thou art speaking, explain for future generations the method of ruling.
And he:- Willingly: it is necessary to take one part of our copper, but of Permanent Water three parts; then let them be mixed
and cooked until they be thickened and become one stone, concerning which the envious have said: Take one part of the pure
body, but three parts of copper of Magnesia; then commingle with rectified vinegar, mixed with male of earth; close the
vessel, observe what is in it, and cook continuously until it becomes earth.
The Forty-Second Dictum.
Ascanius saith:- Too much talking, O all ye Sons of the Doctrine, leads this subject further into error! But when ye read in the
books of the Philosophers that Nature is one only, and that she overcomes all things: Know that they are one thing and one
composite. Do ye not see that the complexion of a man is formed out of a soul and body; thus, also, must ye conjoin these,
because the Philosophers, when they prepared the matters and conjoined spouses mutually in love with each other, behold
there ascended from them a golden water!
The Turba answereth:- When thou wast treating of the first work, lo! thou didst turn unto the second! How ambiguous hast
thou made thy book, and how obscure are thy words!
Then he:- I will perform the disposition of the first work.
The Turba answereth:- Do this.
And he:- Stir up war between copper and quicksilver, until they go to destruction and are corrupted, because when the copper
conceives the quicksilver it coagulates it, but when the quicksilver conceives the copper, the copper is congealed into earth;
stir up, therefore, a fight between them; destroy the body of the copper until it becomes a powder. But conjoin the male to the
female, which are vapour and quicksilver, until the male and the female become Ethel, for he who changes them into spirit by
means of Ethel, and next makes them red, tinges every body, because, when by diligent cooking ye pound the body, ye
extract a pure, spiritual, and sublime soul therefrom, which tinges every body.
The Turba answereth:- Inform, therefore, posterity what is that body.
And he:- It is a natural sulphureous thing which is called by the names of all bodies.
The Forty-Third Dictum.
Dardaris saith:- Ye have frequently treated of the regimen, and have introduced the conjunction, yet I proclaim to posterity
that they cannot extract the now hidden soul except by Ethelia, by which bodies become not bodies through continual [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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