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and this ghastly corpse substituted in the place of the body. The widower paid little attention
to these rumours, and, after bitterly lamenting his wife for a year of mourning, began to think
on the prudence of forming a new marriage, which, to a poor artisan with so young a family,
and without the assistance of a housewife, was almost a matter of necessity. He readily found
a neighbour with whose good looks he was satisfied, whilst her character for temper seemed
to warrant her good usage of his children. He proposed himself and was accepted, and car-
ried the names of the parties to the clergyman (called, I believe, Mr. Matthew Reid) for the
due proclamation of banns. As the man had really loved his late partner, it is likely that this
proposed decisive alteration of his condition brought back many reflections concerning the
period of their union, and with these recalled the extraordinary rumours which were afloat at
the time of her decease, so that the whole forced upon him the following lively dream: As he
lay in his bed, awake as he thought, he beheld, at the ghostly hour of midnight, the figure of a
female dressed in white, who entered his hut, stood by the side of his bed, and appeared to
him the very likeness of his late wife. He conjured her to speak, and with astonishment heard
her say, like the minister of Aberfoyle, that she was not dead, but the unwilling captive of the
Good Neighbours. Like Mr. Kirke, too, she told him that if all the love which he once had for
her was not entirely gone, an opportunity still remained of recovering her, or winning her
back, as it was usually termed, from the comfortless realms of Elfland.
She charged him on a certain day of the ensuing week that he should convene the most
respectable housekeepers in the town, with the clergyman at their head, and should disinter
the coffin in which she was supposed to have been buried.  The clergyman is to recite certain
prayers, upon which, said the apparition,  I will start from the coffin and fly with great speed
round the church, and you must have the fleetest runner of the parish (naming a man famed
for swiftness) to pursue me, and such a one, the smith, renowned for his strength, to hold me
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fast after I am overtaken; and in that case I shall, by the prayers of the church, and the efforts
of my loving husband and neighbours, again recover my station in human society. In the
morning the poor widower was distressed with the recollection of his dream, but, ashamed
and puzzled, took no measures in consequence. A second night, as is not very surprising, the
visitation was again repeated. On the third night she appeared with a sorrowful and dis-
pleased countenance, upbraided him with want of love and affection, and conjured him, for
the last time, to attend to her instructions, which, if he now neglected, she would never have
power to visit earth or communicate with him again. In order to convince him there was no
delusion, he  saw in his dream that she took up the nursling at whose birth she had died,
and gave it suck; she spilled also a drop or two of her milk on the poor man s bed-clothes, as
if to assure him of the reality of the vision.
The next morning the terrified widower carried a statement of his perplexity to Mr. Matthew
Reid, the clergyman. This reverend person, besides being an excellent divine in other
respects, was at the same time a man of sagacity, who understood the human passions. He
did not attempt to combat the reality of the vision which had thrown his parishioner into this
tribulation, but he contended it could be only an illusion of the devil. He explained to the wid-
ower that no created being could have the right or power to imprison or detain the soul of a
Christian conjured him not to believe that his wife was otherwise disposed of than according
to God s pleasure assured him that Protestant doctrine utterly denies the existence of any
middle state in the world to come and explained to him that he, as a clergyman of the
Church of Scotland, neither could nor dared authorize opening graves or using the interven-
tion of prayer to sanction rites of a suspicious character. The poor man, confounded and per-
plexed by various feelings, asked his pastor what he should do.  I will give you my best
advice, said the clergyman.  Get your new bride s consent to be married to-morrow, or to-
day, if you can; I will take it on me to dispense with the rest of the banns, or proclaim them
three times in one day. You will have a new wife, and, if you think of the former, it will be only
as of one from whom death has separated you, and for whom you may have thoughts of
affection and sorrow, but as a saint in Heaven, and not as a prisoner in Elfland. The advice
was taken, and the perplexed widower had no more visitations from his former spouse.
An instance, perhaps the latest which has been made public, of communication with the
Restless People (a more proper epithet than that of Daoine Shi, or Men of Peace, as they
are called in Gaelic) came under Pennant s notice so late as during that observant trav-
eller s tour in 1769. Being perhaps the latest news from the invisible commonwealth, we give
the tourist s own words.
 A poor visionary who had been working in his cabbage-garden (in Breadalbane) imagined
that he was raised suddenly up into the air, and conveyed over a wall into an adjacent corn-
field; that he found himself surrounded by a crowd of men and women, many of whom he
knew to have been dead for some years, and who appeared to him skimming over the tops of
the unbending corn, and mingling together like bees going to hive; that they spoke an
unknown language, and with a hollow sound; that they very roughly pushed him to and fro,
but on his uttering the name of God all vanished, but a female sprite, who, seizing him by the
shoulder, obliged him to promise an assignation at that very hour that day seven-night; that [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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