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The gas clouds that lay between the Halstayne Independency and Earth accounted
for the
Independency's existence. As humanity began spreading out among the stars,
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forming the colonial societies that eventually became the Primgranese
Commonality and the Lontastan Federation, the explorers moved along the edges
of the clouds without attempting to penetrate. Much later, when gas-free
passageways through the clouds were found and charted, neither the Commonality
nor the
Federation saw much potential in the hard-to-reach handful of habitable worlds
the clouds concealed.
These worlds went more or less by default to the individuals and small groups
who, for various reasons, wanted no part in the econo-war. Gweanvin had never
felt much affinity for any such drop-out philosophy; in fact, she had never
visited the Independency before. But it was part of her job to know her way
about the inhabited portion of the galaxy. She had learned the charts of the
passageways through the clouds, and the locations and descriptions of the
habitable worlds within.
Also, she knew enough of the down-hill history of the Independency to have
some idea of what to expect on those worlds. No more than a century ago, when
fair numbers of people were still moving into the Independency, it was a
fairly successful society. But of late the movement had been in the other
direction. The more capable Halstaynians were realizing that a society that
forbade the competitive spirit was, in essence, a denial of the basic nature
of man . . . of life in general, for that matter. And being unrealistic, that
kind of society had to either change or fall.
The Halstaynians who could see this flaw for what it was usually found their
personal solutions to it by immigrating to the Federation or Commonality,
rather than staying home and pushing revolutionary reform against an
opposition composed principally of a formidable mass of public inertia. As a
result, the
Independency as a whole had rusticated. It no longer even tried to keep up
technologically with the econo-warring societies. What technology it had once
had was falling into disuse. The population was dwindling.
All of which was all right with Gweanvin. If that was the way the Halstaynians
wanted it, she mused, that was the way they could have it. All she asked was a
simple recharge of her power pack and surely that much technology was still
She was more than halfway through the series of short, zigzagging warps
required to follow the charted
passage through the cloud when she felt a warning twinge in her side. The
power pack was advising her it was ninety per cent drained. She grunted. But
at least she knew now precisely how much power she had left, and how stingy in
its use she would have to be.
No corner-cutting was advisable going through the passage, however. When she
came into view of the
Halstaynian suns she calculated she had enough power left for one sizeable or
two short jumps.
Okay, which planet was it to be? Bernswa was reportedly the most advanced
Halstaynian world but unless she had greatly underestimated her remaining
power it was out of reach. And Felis, with a so-so reputation, was barely
within range. The only world that could be called close was Arbora, which was
so far gone that the Halstaynians had blithely designated it a wilderness
preserve nearly fifty years ago.
Gweanvin ate a food pill while she pondered the matter. This was a crucial
decision. If she made the wrong choice, she could wind up stranded in space .
. . and the Halstaynians might not have a functioning space-rescue service
these days. Or, if she went to Arbora, she could be stranded there, too, if
there were no functioning power supplies.
She needed more information before deciding. She tuned her comm receiver to
the open-broadcast channels and drifted in space for several hours while she
listened attentively for a few useful facts. There was little to hear except
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music, most of it ancient, interspersed with trivial gab. But there were a
couple of mentions of persons on Arbora, which assured her that world wasn't
totally deserted.
In any event, she decided it almost had to be Arbora, because of the
possibility that she was overestimating her remaining power. That could be the
only world actually within reach.
She was making the painstaking calculations needed for a precise warp when a
bogie flicked into existence, a small glowing spot on the detection field
surrounding her head. Whoever it was couldn't have been more than a thousand
miles away, she saw, suggesting that it was someone who had followed her
through the cloud.
A Lontastan agent on her tail? Very likely, indeed.
Gweanvin had gone full inert while listening to her comm, to save a trickle of
power. Thus, she would not be as visible to the bogie as the bogie was to her.
In fact, she might easily be mistaken for a chunk of space debris, so long as
she remained inert.
She played possum and watched. A couple of minutes passed, and the bogie
flicked out, the person having warped off. But others might be following, so
she continued to watch.
Nobody else appeared, which was a bit puzzling. Was that bogie a single
Lontastan agent, playing a lone hand on a hunch? Well, if so, Gweanvin herself
had a hunch who the agent would be.
She had left clues enough behind to give somebody as sharp as Marvis Jans a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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