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bathed in cold fire.
Overhead, growths that were not plants shivered with ecstasy beneath the rain
of lambent moonbeams. Some moaned softly while others were silent. He felt
Alan Dean fester adrift in visual Debussy. Only something like gravity kept
him bound to the earth; otherwise he felt certain he would have taken flight,
soaring skyward while born aloft on streamers of scintillating aurora.
Alerted by some subtle shift in his companion's man-ner, Oelefse glanced up
from his work. "Beauty kills,"
he reminded Cody curtly. "In this place even daydreaming can be deadly."
His thoughts wrenched back to reality by his com-panion's cool tone,
the archaeologist blinked away incipient fantasies. "I'm on it, Oelefse.
Tend to your snipping. How much longer?"
"Almost done. Almost have enough." He resumed his horticultural cropping.
It was a song that finally snared Cody. Not some beauteous wayward shape, not
something glistening on the ground that dropped diamonds in its wake, but a
melody. A hymn so pure it could only arise from a source im-maculate and
unsullied. Entranced, he stepped forward, certain that as long as he kept
Oelefse in sight neither of them was in any real danger. He had to find the
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source of that unearthly music.
It hung in the air behind a baobab-shaped organic tower through which lights
ran from bottom to top before sparking off into the enchanted sky.
In outline the singer was amorphous, a hovering mass of shifting
transparent silk some ten feet tall. Within its core, chanting crystals swam
like bioluminescent squid on a dark Pacific night. Each emitted a
slightly different tune and color. Combined, they melded to create a
transcendent harmony that tantalized both ear and mind. A chorus of trained
angels could not have generated so euphonious a sound.
Later, he was not sure if he fell into it, or it ate him. He
was suddenly and unexpectedly engulfed. A
thickness, rancid and cloying, clogged his nostrils and threatened to fill
his throat with mephitic glue. The singing crystals had become small
round suckers lined with barbed teeth. They were drifting toward
him, opening and closing with a horrid pulsing that suggested the
muscular action of unmentionable orifices.
Abruptly frantic, he tried to get away, only to find that he could hardly
move. He was trapped in something like glistening, transparent gelatin.
It severely inhibited his movements and restricted his ability to
defend himself. He could not even bring the weapon he still held
tightly in one hand to bear on the vicious, degenerate mouth-shapes
that were advancing inexorably toward him.
A ringing filled his ears. It was loud and insistent, but not unbearable. He
felt himself beginning to torque as the protoplasmic material in which he was
embedded responded to the rising whine. There was nothing he could do to
stop it. His body curved, then bent in the middle, forcing him to arch
backward until he thought his spine would snap. The fanged suckers had ceased
their movement toward him and were swirling about in aimless confusion. Still
the whine intensified, until it reached a profound level of auditory
disturbance. Then the world exploded.
Or rather, the Interloper that had engulfed him did. Coated with clamminess,
he found himself sprawled upon the ground. Their internal glow muted,
the brilliant singing crystals were crawling away in all directions,
seeking shelter in the surrounding scintillating growths. Whenever he
blinked, they would change from exquisite crystals to obscenely pulsating
fanged suckers, and back again.
Oelefse was standing over him, briefcase in one hand and a most
peculiar-looking tuning fork in the other. It was the source of the ascending
whine that had disturbed Cody but had proven fatal to the organism that had
enveloped him. Abashed, he rose slowly and tried to wipe the clamminess from
his exposed skin.
"I'm sorry. It was distracted me."
"The chant of the Acryalaq is lulling, but it is an In-terloper like
any other." The older man indicated their fairy-tale surroundings. "In
their own dimension, or what-ever place this is and however one chooses to
label it, they take on a beauty that is as striking as it is false. Here, only
our being alien protects us. If we react, or draw too much attention to
ourselves, then our intrusion becomes magnified, like the beating of a drum.
We be-come to the Interlopers in their world something like what they become
to us in Ours-" He held up the tuning fork. It had a visually
disorienting shape, as if there were three bars to the fork instead of the
usual two.
The optic con-fusion tormented Cody's eyes.
Oelefse smiled. "People have sketched this little de-vice for years,
thinking it no more than an optical illu-sion. Only the master craftsmen
of the Society know how to actually make one. The vibrations can be
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deadly to Those Who Abide. They are more profoundly affected by sound than by
the usual variety of prosaic physical as-saults. "
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