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extended loading ramp. They could have a self-propelling stretcher back
for Hicks in a few minutes. Bishop continued to talk.
?I'm sorry if I gave you a scare when you emerged onto the landing
platform and saw the ship missing, but the site had simply become too
unstable. I was afraid I'd lose the ship if I remained docked. It was
simpler and safer to hover a short distance away. Close to the ground,
the wind is not as strong. I had a monitor on the exit all the time so
that I'd know when you arrived.?
?Wish I'd known that at the time.?
?I know. I had to circle and hope that things didn't get too rough to
take you off. In the absence of human direction I had to use my own
judgment, according to my programming. I'm sorry if I didn't handle it
the best way.?
They were halfway down the loading ramp. She paused and put a hand on
his shoulder, stared evenly into artificial eyes.
?You did okay, Bishop.?
?Well, thanks, I-?He stopped in mid-sentence, his attention focused on
something glimpsed out of the corner of one eye. Nothing, really. An
innocuous drop of liquid had splashed onto the ramp next to his shoe.
Condensate from the skin of the dropship.
The droplet began to hiss as it started to eat into the metal ramp. Acid.
Something sharp and glistening burst from the center of his chest,
spraying Ripley with milky android internal fluid. An alien stinger,
queen-size, driving straight through him
from behind. Bishop thrashed, uttering meaningless machine noises and
clutching the protruding point of the spear as it slowly lifted him off
the landing ramp.
The queen had concealed herself among the landing mechanism inside one
strut bay. The atmospheric plates that normally sealed the bay flush
with the rest of the dropship's skin had been bent aside or ripped away.
She'd blended in perfectly with the rest of the heavy machinery until
she began to emerge.
Seizing Bishop in two huge hands, she ripped him apart and flung the two
halves aside. Rotating warning lights flashed on her shining dark limbs
as she slowly descended to the deck, still smoking where Ripley had half
fried her. Acid dripped from minor wounds that were healing rapidly.
Sextuple limbs unfolded in unhuman geometries.
Breaking out of her paralysis, Ripley lowered Newt to the deck without
taking her eyes off the descending nightmare.
Page 170
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Newt bolted for the nearest cluster of packing crates and equipment. The
alien dropped to the deck and pivoted in the direction of the movement.
Ripley backed clear, waving her arms and shouting, making faces, jumping
up and down- doing anything and everything she could think of to draw
the monster's attention away from the fleeing child.
Her decoying action was successful. The giant whirled, moving much too
quickly for anything so huge, and sprang as Ripley sprinted for the
oversize internal storage door that dominated the far end of the cargo
hold. Massive feet boomed on the deck behind her.
She cleared the door and flailed at the ?close?switch. The barrier
whirred as it complied with the command, moving much faster than the
doors of the now vanished station. An echoing whang reverberated through
the storage room as the alien struck the solid wall an instant too late.
Ripley didn't have time to stand around to see if the
door would hold. She moved rapidly among bulky, dark shapes, searching
for a particular one.
Outside, the queen's attention was drawn from the stubborn barrier to
visible movement. A network of trenchlike service channels protected by
heavy metal grillwork underlaid the cargo bay deck like the tributaries
of a river system. The channels were just deep enough for Newt to enter.
She'd dropped through one service opening and had begun crawling,
scurrying toward the other end of the cargo bay like a burrowing rabbit.
The alien tracked the movement. Talons swooped, ripped up a section of
grillwork just behind the frantic child. Newt tried to move faster,
scrambling desperately as another piece of grille disappeared right at
her heels. The next to go would be directly above her.
The alien paused in mid-reach at the sound of the heavy storage room
door grinding open behind her. In the opening stood a massive,
articulated silhouette. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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