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but he had a breakdown. Supposedly he ended up
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on the streets here in Frisco. Since you're in charge of the Street
Life Division of the S-F Police, Vince, I'm hoping you can--"
"Belarski, sure." Mok nodded. "Yeah, I know the professor. He likes to lecture
people about the meaning of life and what morality is. Not surprisingly, most
people don't want to hear about any of that and
Belarski gets beaten up every now and then." He slowed, grew thoughtful,
studied Jake. "What sort of case are you working on for
"Started as a simple investigation into the causes of Kurt Winter death,
"He was a putz."
"True," agreed Jake. "The point is, Vince, this is starting to look as though
it's tied in with your plague."
"I just heard your wife has it. I'm sorry about--"
"Really? I didn't know. When did that happen?"
"While I was away. Any idea where I can find the professor?"
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A sky ambulance went roaring by low overhead, siren howling.
"Must be another plague victim." Mok pointed at the flying ambulance with his
"Any idea what's behind the plague?"
"It's manmade. But what the motive for turning it loose on us is,
I don't know. And so far, nobody's popped up to take credit," said the
policeman. "Before Belarski went totally honkers and became a sidewalk
philosopher--he was working on biological weapons, wasn't he?"
"Yep, as an associate of Dr. Gordon Chesterton."
"Ah, the noted wife killer Well, at least we don't have to worry about
Chesterton, since he's safely on ice up in the Freezer and won't be out again
until we're all old and grey." Mok paused. "The professor wanders around a
lot, but in the past few weeks he's been living over in the Ruins."
"The Ruins?"
"Happened while you weren't around, I guess. An aftereffect of the Big
Quake of 2117. Most of the Tenderloin area just toppled over,"
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explained Mok. "What with one thing and another, having to do with budget and
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insurance problems, the city fathers and mothers haven't gotten around to
rebuilding. It's possible nobody will get around to it for years to come.
Meantime large quantities
of homeless drifters, smalltime crooks, louts and loons have taken to:
squatting there."
"Do you police them?"
"A little, though mostly we simply try to make sure they don't come charging
out of there to annoy our decent citizens. At last count, by the way, we had
something around twenty-six decent
citizens left in our fair city. You figure Belarski is tangled up with this
plague in some way?"
"I sure want to talk to him about that possibility."
"Let me know what the guy has to say--providing any of it comes out coherent."
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"Come along with me if you want. I could use a guide."
"No, when the denizens of the Ruins spot me, it usually inspires them to fling
brickbats and assorted other samples of architecture. Despite my elegant
appearance and winning ways, I'm not especially popular over there."
"Hard to believe."
Mok asked, "You have a kid, don't you?" "One, yes." "Boy or girl?"
"Boy, fifteen." "Where is he?"
"Right now he's at the Marina Hospital, too. In Observation.
There's a possibility he may develop what Kate's got."
"That's not good," he said, shaking his head. "How do you two get along?"
After a few seconds Jake answered, "just great."
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he Ruins stretched across ten square blocks. Jake entered the tumbledown area
just as the day was starting to fade, making his way along what had once been
Mason Street. There was now only a narrow twisty path zigzagging through
enormous mounds of rubble. Piles that mingled bricks, shattered timbers,
twists of metal rods, jagged fragments of plastiglass rose up all around. Here
and there portions of walls still stood, with a few windows and doors still in
The twilight brought a chill wind with it, wisps and tatters of fog were
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beginning to drift across the Ruins. Jake saw a scatter of lights, portable
electro lamps mostly, and a few cook fires
In the gaping doorway of what was left of a liquor shop two thin women in
ragged dresses were struggling with each other, punching and cursing. Sprawled
at their feet was a de adman in a tattered raincoat.
"I saw him first," insisted one of the women as she jabbed the other, hard, in
the ribs.
"Bullshit, honey. I did."
"He's mine. Whatever he's got on him is mine." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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