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Tyrenni. But soon after what Dann thinks of as the great victory, the warm
touch he recogines as Winona comes to speak directly to him.
"Doctor Dann, is Margaret all right in there? I've been so worried about her.
Could I see her for a moment? I don't want to bother her, I
just want
I understand,"
he tells her. And he does, he cannot mistake pure friendship, or whatever odd
human quality "worries" about another so gratuitously.
"I'll ask her. It's difficult. She's... busy."
The mild presence withdraws patiently.
When the Earthly incarnation of Margaret comes again into his sight, he asks
"Can Winona, ah, make contact with you for a few minutes?
She was your friend, you know. She's worried."
The dark priestess of the computer hesitates remotely. But her mood seems
favorable. "
Yes. You can let her by."
Dann has a selfish moment of gladness at her acceptance of his role of
guardian of her gates. Cerberus-Dann. He does not know exactly how to
"let" Winona in, but moves his imaginary self aside, calling her name. It
seems to work. He feels life coming inward.
Shockingly, what materializes at the imaginary door is not Winona it is the
trim lush figure of a dark-haired woman in early middle life, with a
brilliant, unlined, eager face. His Earthly memories leap up. Here is the
incarnation of young mother, a woman he has seen step laughing from a thousand
stationwagons full of kids.
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But as he leaps to bar this stranger's way, she changes. The firm flesh pales
and sags, the raven hair goes grey. It is Winona as he knows her, going toward
Margaret with both hands held out.
For an instant he flinches, expecting the giggle and rush of words. But
she only takes one of the tall figure's hands in hers, and holds it to her old
bosom, peering in wonder at the strangeness all around. For a moment some
contact seems to flow, and then Winona releases the hand and turns away.
As she passes Dann there is another shimmer of change; it is the radiant young
matron who vanishes out through the immaterial chink.
Dann muses on the dreadful mysteries of time;
that which he had seen was really Winona, not the puffy arthritic scarecrow of
And what is he, really? Some earnest figure of a young MD? No; he is
ineluctably old. His dead are dead. He is... content.
Outside, Winona has gone away. She understands, Dann knows, however she
conceives it. Margaret is not to be worried about.
And something else has happened, he notices. As he resumes his watchman's pose
he senses that the guarded gate of the stronghold seems a little wider now.
Less fortified. The Margaret who has her being here will perhaps tolerate
contact with life a little more. But she is, Dann realizes, changing. Life is
no longer to her what it was. His soul is chilled by foreboding. Will she
change beyond recognition, will everything he knows as Margaret disappear into
some cloudy matrix of immensity?
He remembers the calm voice saying, Perhaps, in time, I will take counsel with
But will it be Margaret who does so? He hopes so; he can do no more.
His sad thoughts are interrupted by a merry greeting he knows instantly his
little friend Tivonel. She has been by before, to his delight.
But this time she brings Giadoc to speak with him.
"Greetings, Tanel,"
comes the strong, sure "voice" of the young Hearer.
"Waxman has told us of the great powers your friend wields here."
" Yes."
Dann tries to convey a smile; he finds it impossible not to like this mind.
"As you know, my son Tiavan was among those who did that criminal deed to your
people. Yet I left him, and the others, in danger. Is it possible that your
friend's power can discover anything of what happened to them, back on your
"I don't know. I'll ask. It may take some time."
But as it happens the incarnation he knows as Margaret comes soon, and he is
able to ask.
"I'll put TOTAL on it," she says quite humanly.
"It stored a lot of
telecommunications before we were out of range. Tell me their names."
Their names? So far, so very far she has drifted away, he thinks. He recites
the eight: Winona, the two girls, the twins, Ted, Chris, and Kirk.
Only bodies now, housing alien minds; while the real people are out here with
him in this uncanny place between the stars.
I'll set it to type out anything it finds, in case I'm... not here."
So normal, so efficient a sweet ghost. She does something to the small console
and vanishes away.
The strong compact presence of Giadoc hovers near. Dann asks him again about
his stay on Earth, and learns for the first time that the mind he had known as
Fearing had ended in the body of the dog. So an elder female, Janskelen, whom
he never knew, is the dread Fearing now! The computer won't search for that
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name; no matter, it probably wasn't his real one.
But whatever can have become of them? How did Noah, not to mention the Navy,
take the eruption of nine alien minds? Thinking of it all again, Dann's
memories strengthen around him. He questions Giadoc, fascinated by his alien
ability to guide himself by reading human thought. It seems unbelievable; how
could they manage to make out? What could they do, send and receive messages
for the military? Or be persecuted as a menace?
And the mix-up of identities: Kirk with the mind of, in effect, a little girl;
Winona housing his Father. Frodo as really the son of the Father who is in
little Chris. How to stay together? Can they perhaps marry? And the cosmic
joke of the rebel Avanil in Valerie's body, defiantly claiming the right to
rear children. And Ron and Rick, no longer twins but Terenc and
Palarin, an alien male and female he never knew. And, poetic justice, the
wicked Scomber inheriting the moribund body of Ted Yost.
Funny, Dann reflects, he doesn't really see Scomber as "wicked." He can recall
so clearly the heart-lifting moment when Scomber offered his life as the
pathway to escape from burning Tyree and his own empathy with the young
Fathers bearing their children out of the flames.
And has it all turned out so badly for his kidnapped friends? Not so, he [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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