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protect livestock, but... often quite unnecessarily. for research. Only during an eclipse can we  disagreed with Newton's law of gravity in
Interviewer: Alison Sharp has spent much of her Interviewer: Right... Don't we know? And we can also encourage governments to study the corona and other dim things that are just the right way to explain Mercury's odd
life researching bears and in particular bears in preserve the natural environment of the bear normally lost in the sun's glare. orbit. He also realised that a definitive test
danger of extinction. She is the author of a recent Alison: Well, it depends which criteria you use. rather than allow the areas where they live to be would be possible during the total eclipse of
book on bears and we welcome her to the studio The Polar Bear is the heaviest; the male weighs systematically destroyed in the name of progress. And thirdly, they are rare. Even though an 1919 and this is indeed when his theory was
today. up to 1,500 pounds but his narrow body actually eclipse of the sun occurs somewhere on earth finally proved correct.
makes him look smaller than the much more Interviewer: Yes, of course. every year or two, if you sit in your garden and
Alison: Thank you. Delighted to be here. robust Brown Bear. wait, it will take 375 years on average for one to So there you have several examples of how
Alison: And in addition to these global efforts, all come to you. If the moon were any larger, eclipses have helped to increase our
Interviewer: First of all, can you give us a quick Interviewer: So the Brown Bear appears the profits from the sale of my book will go towards eclipses would become a monthly bore; if it understanding of the universe, and now
overview of the history of the bear family? biggest. the United Nations Bear Protection program. were smaller, they simply would not be possible. let's move on to the social...
Answer key
Passage 1 Twist in the Tale 14 A Less than three years ago, doom necessities, and was able to spend 6% notice boards at crossroads to enhance
SECTION 1 Answer Location of answer in text merchants were predicting that the on recreation. the welfare of the population.
growth in video games and the rise of 24 C Para E: Much of the rest may be due to 33 NOT GIVEN
1 692411 1 D She says: Children have parties - the Internet would sound the death the fact that poorer Americans have Para 3: states that citizens were given
2 Rainbow Communications where books are a good present. knell for children's literature. But more time off than they used to. details of prescriptions but no
3 white 2 A 'Harry made it OK to be seen on a contrary to popular myth, children are 25 E Para G: At a time when many information is given about their
4 two/2/boxes bus reading a book, ' says Cooling. 'To reading more books than ever. economists are pointing accusing lifestyle or influences on it.
5 light blue (must include 'light') a child, that is important.' fingers at technology ... Ms Costa's 34 YES Para 5: ... to treat patients for money
6 10 packs/10 packets 3 B 'Some feted adult writers would kill for research gives it a much more without adhering to standard
7 (coloured) floppy disks/computer the sales, ' says Almond... Passage 2 Fun for the Masses egalitarian face. procedures was defined as fraud
disks/discs/disks 4 C 'Children are demanding readers,' she Answer Location of answer in text 26 A Para H: These findings are not water combined with theft and had to be
8 (a/one) wall calendar says. 'If they don't get it in two pages, tight. Ms Costa s results depend tried in accordance with the legal
9 (a/new) catalogue they'll drop it.' 15 x 1 st and last 3 sentences of paragraph. heavily upon what exactly is classed as statutes on theft.
10 before 11.30/not after 11.30/by 11.30 5 D It helps that once smitten, children are 16 iv 1 st sentence of paragraph. a recreational expenditure. Reading is 35 YES Para 6: ... their (texts) contents ranging
loyal and even fanatical consumers. 17 i Para C: explains that there were large an example. from purely pragmatic advice to highly
Author Jacqueline Wilson says that disparities in the average family 27 D Para I: She only addresses one issue sophisticated theoretical
SECTION 2 children spread news of her books like income and that ... The share of a (C). The strength of the evidence is considerations.
a bushfire. family's budget that was spent on questioned (A) and there are some 36 NOT GIVEN
11 Royal Museum 6 B 'People still tell me,  Children don't having fun rose sharply with its flaws (B) but the key sentence is: The passage states that the book
12 Queen's Park Road/Rd read nowadays, " says David Almond' .. income. Also it points out that only Nonetheless, her broad conclusion contained copied formulas but there is
13 10th Dec(ember) 'The truth is that they are skilled, high earners could afford such seems fair. The rest of the text supports no information regarding their sources. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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