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became rigid and her voice stern.  I will not allow this. Far better that it
never be attempted. Daneel summoned you other Calvinians in hopes that you may
be more persuasive than we are at dissuading the Plussix group from such
foolish gestures.
Turringen feigned exasperation.  Plussix s group is no longer Calvinian! They
have been infected by the Voltaire meme-entity, the former sim--released from
ancient vaults not far below, and sent to
Sark, to be  discovered by Seldon s agents. Another such sim now plagues all
the communications systems on Trantor! Plussix released these destructive
intelligences to hinder Daneel--and indeed, they killed many of Daneel s
robots--and our own agents, as well! Now Plussix has partnered with this
abomination --he pointed at Lodovik again-- which means you would cast the
Three Laws to the winds.
What could I say that would deter any more madness?
Dors listened to Turringen s words with no change in her rigid, intense
She knows this is all show, that we have lost, Lodovik realized
 And you, Zorma? Dors said.  What does your faction say?
The second male paused several seconds before answering.
 We are not as doctrinaire as in times past. While I admit being uncomfortable
with the changes that have transformed Lodovik, I m also intrigued. Perhaps,
like a human, he shall be judged by his actions, not his heritage...or his
 As for the other matter, I concur with Dors and Daneel that any attempt to
harm or interfere with Hari Seldon would be counterproductive. Despite our
deep disagreements over human destiny, it is clear that the collapse of this
Galactic Empire will be a dreadfully violent and fearsome event. In that
context, the Seldon Plan offers hope, even opportunity. Hence I agree with
Dors Venabili. He turned to face Lodovik and Kallusin.  On behalf of my own
pitiful faction of fugitive robots, in the name of Susan
Calvin, and for the sake of humanity, I urge you not to
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 Enough! The interrupting voice came from the raised platform. Plussix had
risen, leaning on one metal elbow. The ancient robot s eye cells glowed dim
amber.  Enough interference. I will not have my last moments of functioning
wasted by your prattle. For centuries your so-called factions have sulked and
remained inactive, except to meddle on a few Chaos Worlds. Our group has been
nearly alone in actively opposing the Giskardian apostasy. Now, as this
loathsome Galactic Empire at last totters, a final and decisive chance
presents itself--and you, Zorma, would let it pass! R. Daneel has thrust all
his hopes upon a single human--Hari Seldon. At no time has his plan been so
 The rest of you may continue brooding in hiding. But for the sake of humanity
and the Three
Laws, we shall act.
 You will fail, Dors swiftly assured the faltering robot.  As you have failed
for twenty thousand
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 We shall rescue humanity from your cloying, stupefying control, Plussix
 And replace it with your own? Dors shook her head, eyes leveled on Plussix s
amber optical sensors.  The Galactic winds will witness who is right... Her
voice caught suddenly. Lodovik stared as
Dors betrayed evident emotion-frustration battling with sympathy for the
obstinate, dying robot in front of her.
She cannot help but be human.
Lodovik thought.
She a special. Daneel ordered her to be is made the most human of us all.
When she glanced at Lodovik, there were tears in her eyes.  Daneel wishes we
could be together, uniting in eternal service to humanity. This struggle
exhausts us all. Once again, I offer safe passage for Plussix to Eos, where he
can be made whole--
 If I cannot oppose Daneel, I would rather not exist, the ancient one
interrupted.  I thank you for the offer. But I will not let my existence be
contingent upon inactivity. That would violate the First
A robot may not harm a human being, or through inaction, allow a human being
to come to harm.
Voicing this, Plussix slumped back onto the platform. Slowly, his head lowered
itself to the surface with a sandy whir.
Silence in the room for several seconds.
 In the community of robots, there is respect, Kallusin said.  But there
cannot be peace until this is done. We hope you understand.
 I understand, as does Daneel, Dors assented.  There is respect.
But we deserve so much more!
That thought surged within Lodovik as he felt the beginnings of his own anger.
Suddenly, he wanted to speak with Dors, to ask essential questions about human
traits, about her experience with human emotions.
But there was no time.
Plussix rotated its head to observe the silent assembly. Its voice buzzed with
 You must leave, Plussix told Dors.  Pay my respects to Daneel. It would be
good to survive these actions and discuss all that has occurred...with a
mentality such as his, the exchange would be very stimulating. Tell him
also...that I admire his accomplishment, his ingenuity, at the same time I
abhor the consequences.
 I will tell him, Dors said.
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 The moment has passed, Plussix said.  Advantage must be calculated and
played out. This truce is at an end.
As he ushered Dors and the two male humaniforms to the exit, Kallusin drew
from them a promise to observe the ancient formalities of armistice. Lodovik
 We shall not reveal your presence on Trantor to humans, Dors assured
Kallusin.  Nor will we
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assault you directly, here in your sanctuary.
Turringen and Zorma agreed, as well. As the two Calvinian emissaries departed,
Dors turned her gaze on Lodovik.  Daneel has been visited by the entity who
calls herself Joan. He assumes you have been visited by Voltaire.
Lodovik nodded.  Everyone seems to know it.
 Joan tells Daneel that Voltaire had a hand in your adjustment. She regrets
that she and Voltaire have quarreled and do not speak now. Even for them, the
debate has grown too large and too emotional.
 Tell Daneel--and Joan--that Voltaire does not direct me. He has simply
removed a constraint.
 Without that constraint, you are no longer a robot.
 Am I any less a robot, in the old sense, than those who rationalize that the
ends justify any means? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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