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9. O 10. B 11. E 12. Y 13. I 14. J 15. G 16. S women (and those who have had a baby in the last 12 17. U 18. R (if you use beef instead of lamb, it is a months), and people on certain types of benefit. In Wales, cottage pie) 19. T 20. C 21. F 22. Z (ironically, it is free to anyone under 25 or over 60. For most other despite its Indian origins, the chicken version of this dish people, a charge is made. was recently voted the most "British" dish in the UK!) 23. A 24. L 25. X (also called Welsh rarebit) 26. N Help and information (pages 17 18) Exercise 2: The following foods do not belong (their country or region Exercise 1: of origin is shown in brackets) 1. directory 2. Yellow Pages / organisations 1. couscous (North Africa) 2. tagine (North Africa) 3. Thomson Local / maps / clubs 4. National newspapers 3. goulash (Hungary) 4. jerk chicken (Jamaica) / sporting 5. Local newspapers / property / vehicles / 5. saganaki (Greece) 6. bratwurst (Germany) 7. caviar events or entertainment 6. tourist information centre (Russia / Iran) 8. kimchi (Korea) 9. blini (Russia) 7. Teletext / Ceefax 8. stations / entertainment / DAB or 10. piri-piri chicken (Portugal / Africa) digital (= Digital Audio Broadcasting) 9. terrestrial / digital / freeview / subscription / cable / satellite / licence 10. Citizens Advice 11. Libraries / borrowing / DVDs / Healthcare (pages 15 16) computer / reference / Membership 12. lost / directions / police officer / police station 13. post office / parcels / cash / bills / tax / passport / National Savings and Exercise 1: Investments / government 14. Internet / Internet caf / 1. NHS (= National Health Service) 2. GP (= General search engine / Google / Yahoo / website Practitioner) 3. surgery 4. treatment 5. mental 6. cure / specialist 7. register* 8. medical card 9. health authority 10. prescription 11. dispensary (a Exercise 2: dispensary is usually called a chemist, pharmacy or 1. Refugee Council (He could also call the Immigration dispensing chemist) 12. A and E (= Accident and Advisory Service on 020 7378 9191) 2. HM Revenue and Emergency: these are not available in all hospitals) Customs 3. DVLA 4. BT Customer Services 13. ambulance 14. 999 / 112 15. paramedics 5. Crimestoppers 6. Equal Opportunities Commission 16. patient 17. health check 18. NHS Direct** 7. Seniorline 8. Shelterline 9. Samaritans 10. Parentline Plus 11. Transco 12. NHS Direct 13. Childline 14. Victim Supportline * Note that in the UK, male and female doctors treat both male and female patients. If it is important that if you want to see either a male or a female doctor, you should Telephone directories have a comprehensive list of check that your local health care centre can / will allow telephone helplines (together with websites and this before you register. You should also check that the addresses). These can be found at the front of the centre can provide specific health care services that you directory. might need (for example, if you need maternity services, if you need a paediatrician for your child, etc). Note that when we say telephone numbers, we usually speak each number individually. For example: 020 64 Answer key Answer key 7837 7324 is usually spoken as 'Oh two oh / seven eight childless. During her reign, art and literature flourished. three seven / seven three two four'. The Spanish Armada, a fleet of ships sent to conquer If a number is doubled, we normally say 'double' England and restore the Catholic faith in 1588, was before it. For example: 0845 601 5884 is usually spoken defeated. as 'Oh eight four five / six oh one / five double eight four'. William Shakespeare wrote some of the most famous If a telephone number has one or more zeros literary works in the world, including Romeo and Juliet, after a number, and no numbers after it, we often say it as Hamlet and The Merchant of Venice. one number. For example: 0800 800 151 is often spoken as 'Oh eight hundred / eight hundred / one five one'. Six-figure numbers are becoming increasingly History 2 (page 20) spoken as three separate numbers. For example: 0800 201215 is spoken as 'Oh eight hundred / twenty / twelve 1. James VI / James I 2. English Civil War 3. republic / / fifteen'. Oliver Cromwell 4. monarchy / Charles II 5. William of Orange 6. Battle of the Boyne / Ireland 7. Scotland / Act of Union 8. House of Windsor / George I 9. Bonnie History 1 (page 19) Prince Charlie / Battle of Culloden 10. Industrial Revolution 11. War of Independence / India Here are the complete sentences 12. Napoleon Bonaparte / Battle of Waterloo Julius Caesar led the Roman army on an exploratory 13. Emancipation Act / slavery 14. First World war foray into Britain in 55BC. 15. Suffragette Movement / vote 16. Irish / Ireland / The Emperor Claudius led the Romans on a successful Republic of Ireland 17. Winston Churchill invasion of Britain, resulting in a period of Roman rule lasting for almost 400 years. Queen Boudicca, a Briton of the Iceni tribe, led an History 3 (page 21) unsuccessful rebellion against the Roman occupation. The Emperor Hadrian built a wall (which can still be 1. Labour 2. the National Health Service (the NHS) seen) in the north of the country to protect Britain from 3. the railways 4. 1953 5. India 6. the the Celts in (what is now) Scotland. Commonwealth 7. "Iron Curtain" (an expression coined Jutes, Angles and Saxons from Denmark and North by Winston Churchill) 8. Bangladesh 9. Harold Wilson Germany began invading the country. 10. strikes 11. the EEC (the European Economic [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |