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killer was caught before they hanged him for it, he would need to rethink his sexual choices.
Maybe Richard was right. Maybe being alone was his whole problem. He shook his head, not
in the mood to deal with any of this emotional crap at that exact moment, not with his neck
on the line.
The door swung open and sure enough, it was the luscious cop. He looked at the
I don t need this right now.
Composing his expression to a blank slate, he lowered his head, and looked the man
dead-on in the eyes. He d found he d been able to unnerve anyone with that stare. However,
it didn t seem to be working so well all of a sudden. The cop looked right back at him, clearly
trying to hold that little curling smile at bay, the sexy dimple on his cheek threatening to
appear at any moment.
Well fuck me.
Sensing a challenge, Quinn readied himself for the first parry. He would wait the guy
out, not appear to be interested in anything he had to say, not ask direct questions, but allow
him to spill his secrets. Quinn s gaze narrowed, and the man gave him one quick peek at the
dimple, then peered down at his notes before he sat right across from him in the tiny room.
If Quinn stretched his long legs out, surely he would be able to hook his ankle around the
cop s foot. The thought of such an intimate touch with the officer caused Quinn to shiver a
little, as if someone had just walked over his grave.
The cop glanced up from the papers he was so fascinated with, using just his eyes.
He didn t answer. He needed to stick to his strategy.
Finally, he set the papers down and leant back in his metal chair, the epitome of
Ooh, he s good. I ll just have to be better.
Quinn never let his stare waver. But neither did the cop.
 Well, Quinn Verdugo, I m Detective Jake Gutierrez. It just so happens that my partner
and I were assigned to The Bondage Butcher case.
Detective? They haul them in young around here.
 Which is why I m so interested in speaking with you today. It seems your boyfriend
Cole thinks you might have something to do with these murders. He was so convinced, in
fact, that he called us to come and save him since he thought you were luring him into the
desert to tie and slice him up. I don t know if you normally tie him up he didn t say but
maybe he just wasn t into the slicing part. What do you think?
 He s not my boyfriend.
What the fuck am I doing Shut up!
 Oh, really? Because he insists that you two are quite the item. I think he even hinted
that he might be moving in with you on the rez pretty soon, maybe have a little commitment
This guy was provoking him. He needed to keep it together.
Gritting his teeth, Quinn broke the stare. He had to. He wanted to tell this cop or
detective that Cole meant nothing to him, that he was just a lay and nothing more. He was
having an inner battle to keep from spilling his guts to this Jake guy, for some bizarre reason
not wanting him to think he had ties to anyone.
Ridiculous. He s probably married with eight kids for all I know.
Quinn was seriously pissing himself off, and needed to get back in control of things. But
he was tired all of a sudden. It was exhausting trying to keep his feelings clamped down
deep inside him all the time. All of those emotions were like a long-dormant volcano
building up to an inevitable explosion. There were the endless dalliances with young men
whom he forbade himself to feel any connection with although he knew he purposely
picked ones where there wasn t any danger of that. There was all the guilt and rage over the
killings of his lovers. And finally, there were the recent stirrings of something whenever he
thought about or looked at this so-called detective. He wanted to pick up one of the hinky
chairs, and bash it until it no longer resembled any piece of furniture. Instead, he looked back
at the man.
 Just tell me what you want from me so I can get the hell out of here.
He said it with such vitriol, and yet, he hoped that the detective Jake didn t think it was
directed at him. Quinn was sensing he might be in trouble with this guy, the kind that he
wasn t used to.
 Okay, that s fair.
Jake nodded as if they were negotiating over the price of a used car. Like they were
being gentlemen about things and not discussing whether or not Quinn had recently
murdered a man he d been intimate with at a seedy motel.
 I just want to know what the significance was when you impaled John s head through
his mouth to the bed at that motel. It must have been something to see the expression of a
man you d once made love to just before the butcher knife severed his spinal cord.
Suddenly, Quinn couldn t catch his breath. He had no idea what his expression was
anymore, and he didn t care. All of his shields crashed down at the detective s statement
about John. He saw John in his mind s eye, knowing what terror, the kind, but misguided
man must have felt at that moment. He thought he might actually be sick.
 Impaled his head? That s what& fuck no John, no& 
Quinn looked down, shoulders slumped. Jake had beaten him, the cops had won. He
wondered if he had nothing left with which to protect himself against their soulless ways. If
they believed he had done these awful things, then his spirit was not pure. He had led these
poor men to their deaths somehow. Something he had done to someone along the way had
created these horrifying events, and he would never forgive himself. He had nothing left to
fight for.
Except to get revenge on the monster that did this.
Quinn lifted his head with new determination, and stared directly into Jake s eyes, his
emotions once again caged.
Jake had been silent this entire time, he must have been considering Quinn s reaction.
There was a pause where neither of them spoke, and Quinn had the impression that Jake was
mulling something over in his mind. Then the detective brought his voice down low, and
leaned towards him. If there were other officers watching the interrogation, and it was being
taped, then it was likely that what the man was about to say wouldn t be picked up.
 You want to get him, don t you? Jake said in a whisper.
Quinn inhaled sharply. Was this a trick, or did the detective really believe he was
He kept his voice just as low.  What are you getting at?
 Let me help you. Give me the names of every man you ve been with, and let me figure
out who really did this.
Quinn frowned. It seemed very risky to talk to any cops, let alone this tempting
detective, but he was wavering on his resolve. Something told him that this man was true.
He still imagined he could feel his spirit that it was pure and different from any other he [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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