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be capable of such frightening power.
'A ... bleep ... galactic destroyer's at our rear end!' Robottom
sounded surprised to say the least. 'It must have used & bleep & a
space pocket to hide from our sensors.'
'Never mind,' said Dong, accepting the situation, 'Cube is still in
blocking mode. Our main priority is to capture Pugjaw. I'm not
going to let that little shit get the better of us again ...'
BOOM! the post shook again&
Pugjaw laughed, knowing that it was now Cube's turn to be
dwarfed by the formidable and utterly gigantic galactic destroyer
coming for its much awaited revenge.
'Look at that smug creature, he's actually got a smile all over his
cockpit, he's laughing at us! He hasn't yet realised that he's drifting
into the dangerous Umpy Bolland system.' Chucker was hoping
Pugjaw would soon be scared into holding his current position, he
wouldn't be able to survive the Umpy Bolland System with all of its
dangers, not a shuttle of his size and limited power.
'Look, Captain,' said a dark, tall handsomely bearded form, 'it's a
bosseye galactic destroyer!'
'I can see it, Number One,' answered an authoritative voice,
pronouncing every word with Thespian pride, his tongue obviously
dying for an R to roll over it. 'They arrrre afterrrr that small shuttle
craft, the voice paused,  crrrraft, the one heading towards us!' The
captain stopped to itch his long nose and shiny bald head. 'Initiate
full defence systems and set frontal, excuse me, frrrrontal, course, full
speed, Number One. We arrrre going to snatch that shuttle crrrraft
whilst those two fight it out amongst themselves. But before we do
all that ... Computer, tea, earl grrrrey, hot!'
After the tea had been happily sipped, the long, mostly white form
of the pirate ship, moved slowly away from the asteroid which was
sheltering it.
'Dong, there's a ship coming at us head on ... it's called the U.S.S
Something or Rather, I believe it's Rather.' Chucker leaned forward,
his eye narrowing, 'I think it's a pirate ship ... it looks very familiar
though ...'
'You say it's coming at us head on,' repeated Dong, an idea
bursting open in the middle of his mind, making an awful mess in the
process. 'I think we'll leave the navigation up to Cube, don't you
'Yes,' smiled Chucker, catching on, 'agreed!'
Quickly summing up the situation at hand, Cube acted
Having started firing a spiralling round of spinning horn shapes, the
galactic destroyer watched each silver torpedo miss its target. They
missed not just one- two- three- four- five- six- seven- eight- nine times
but after ten consecutive attempts. Throughout the bombardment
Cube had knowingly moved up and down, escaping extinction yet
again. The bosseye are renowned for their bad marksmanship, the
reasons for this reputation are obvious.
Meanwhile with all the attention being paid to the raging fight in
front, the pirate ship continued on its drawn out (but most thrilling)
forty-five minute course to snatch Pugjaw for its own purposes.
Seeing what was happening, Cube plunged forwards with an
astounding amount of grace, leaving the more than surprised
galactic destroyer behind in a storm of stirred up spacedust mites.
Moments later the destroyer followed them at full speed.
Cube jerked forwards, this time with just enough accuracy to
initiate a hold on Pugjaw via a grip ray and - with another skilful and
completely unplanned manoeuvre - dropped downwards with
breathtaking velocity.
As hoped, the manoeuvre resulted in the dramatic collision of the
two spacecraft which were left embarrassingly behind to make their
unwanted, and slightly painful, acquaintance with each other.
'WWWehey!' screeched Dong, from the safety of his newly
vibrating gripseat.
'It's bbbecoming my favourite line but she's dddone it yet again,'
cheered Chucker, his voice also shuddering.
'HHHold on!' Robottom quaked, rattling at an interface. 'Our
speed hasn t dddecreased! WWWe seem to ... bbbleep ... bbbe
above a bbblack hole ... and it's pulling us in! Cube's having a
mmmomentary systems failure!'
Chucker and Dong looked quickly at the optical screen. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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