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Next step: Ask yourself, working backward, "What has to happen for me to gain one thousand more clients?" Well, let's look at what you're doing now. Whatever you're doing to get the first thousand, you've got to do twice as much. It may mean that you need two times the sales force. Or two times the telemarketing effort. It may mean that you have to run two times the number of ads, or that you have to run the ads in two times the number of publications. It may mean you have to send out two times the number of sales letters. It may mean you have to go to two times the number of trade shows. But it tells you what you have to do. Whether you want to do that or not is your decision, but you can't decide until you first work backward. Or, instead of expending twice as much effort, spending twice as much money on salaries, on letters, on advertising, on exhibit expenses for trade shows and the like, there may be a better way. Explore the two other ways of increasing your business. Maybe getting a 50 percent higher unit of sale, and a third more transactions per year, would make it half as hard to double your business. All I want to do is show you that you've got to start by establishing a goal. Then, by reverse - 131 - engineering, deter-mine the specific steps you must take to reach that goal. By implementing the strategies you have learned, you will be able to take action and climb each one of those steps. If your goal is to move up the corporate ladder and gain power, title, recognition, and the accompanying income, the concept is the same. Although this type of goal cannot be quantified as specifically as a numerical goal, the process of reverse engineering is equally valid. Determine what level or position you want to reach in what period of time. Then determine the skills that specific position requires. Evaluate what your skills are at this point. What do you need to add to reach that required level of skills? Once you determine the voids, you can begin to fill them. Other actions you can take to reach a higher corporate level are to voluntarily take on added responsibility in your area (or other areas). Use the Strategy of Preeminence with everyone you deal with inside and outside your corporation. Get referrals and recommendations from clients, vendors, and influential people in your company, both inside and outside your department or region. Using the success- and income-increasing strategies you have now learned will enable you to become a business problem solver. Top management wants problem solvers, and the problem solvers are the people who get promotions, recognition, power, and corner offices. Remember, incorporating multiple success approaches together vastly multiplies your achievements, minimizes your shortfalls, and comprises your timeline to achieving any goal. Action Steps Most people live in mortal fear that they aren't worthy of the limited and abstract goals they set for them-selves. More of us set limited goals that simply aren't worthy of our true ability, potential, and mental capacity. Set higher sights for yourself. But make them clear, specific, decisive, and accountable goals. Then reach those goals and keep raising the bar for yourself. Sit down with your notepad. Clearly state each major business, financial, professional, personal, or family goal you have set. Then, under each goal, write down the exact steps, numbers, events, processes, and actions you have to accomplish to reach those goals. Finally, do a reality check. How well are you really progressing on each goal? Are you regularly evaluating and adjusting your performances and methods to reach the goal? If you're past your original goal, have you established new, higher goals? If you're behind your timeline or haven't diligently developed a daily, weekly, transaction-by- transaction plan, do it now. Break it down to simple non-threatening steps. Without a clear destination and a precise road map for getting where you want to be, you'll never maximize your potential income or success. But follow a good clear map with complete detailed travel instructions and your journey will be highly rewarding. - 132 - Chapter 20: Your Never-Ending Success The success-and income-increasing strategies you have now learned work. I know this for a fact. I've seen them work for over ten thousand clients in over four hundred different industries. But don't stop with just one success. When you apply what you have learned, don't just make one big score and stop. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |