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for a cup of liftea. A melon supplied by hidden means followed the liftea.
Nextcame thehygienarium and a complete fresher. After dressing, he settled
behind the small console in the private study of his quarters, turning to
watch the early morning clouds scatter and the golden sun lifta silver dew off
the towers. As he looked out through the wide window, he marveled at the fact
that the day was basically his.
No matter how he d gotten steamed up about things, the Empire was on its
weekend break, and negotiations would not be held.Period.
At the Institute, somehow, he d never gotten into the habit of a regular
division between work and play.
Still& his time on New Augusta would be limited. Should he go
sight-seeing?Alone?With whom?
Would Sylvia consider showing him some sights? He recovered her card from his
pouch and studied it, checking the time on the console.Too early to call
He passed the next hour by studying the figures on the trade balances,
mentally calculating the amount of increased Imperial tariffs Accord could
absorb and which of its own tariffs Accord could realistically drop below the
levels in the proposal to the Empire.
The parameters were simple enough, but he d have to wait for the actual
negotiations to see what the Empire might accept, assuming that Marcella was
right and that he would see some progress in the next few days. He put the
papers back into his datacase and stretched. Finally, after letting his
fingers stray toward the console and onto the key studs and pulling them back
twice, he punched out the New Augusta directory on the screen, requesting the
listing for Sylvia Ferro-Maine.
A single number was listed.Private Tower Orange. He tapped out the number,
wondering if she would stay on the screen once she saw his face.
The faxscreen chimed four times, but there was no answer and no recording.
Could she actually be at work? He tried the Senator s office. Senator
Helmsworth s office. The face that appeared on the screen was another woman,
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black, with curly brown hair, strong nose, and flashing teeth.
 Lord Whaler, from the Accord Legation.I was looking for Sylvia
Ferro-Maine.  Just a moment, Lord Whaler. Sylvia appeared shortly,
wearing her casual yellow-striped tunic, the top two buttons undone, and with
her dark hair loose.  Workingare you?
 We work most days, Lord Whaler.
 Is there any chance that I could persuade you otherwise?To show me a few
sights later in the day?
 I ll be tied up until early afternoon.
 That would be fine. Early afternoon, I mean. Should I meet you somewhere?
 Why don t I meet you at your Legation around1400. You have a duty officer
who can call you?
 There is one. Always, he added ruefully. Then at 1400, dear Envoy.
Nathaniel found himself staring at a blank screen. He leaned back.
In the meantime, what could he do? Why was he so restless?
He let his eyes traverse the console. Stir the pot with a few more anonymous
tips? He smiled. Snooped or not, his hidden watchers couldn t stop his
 Sam, he began on the keyboard,  have you heard thel atest about the Envoy
from the black planet? His staff is losing their minds. At least one did,
wiped all the way back to age eighteen, poor fellow. He s the one who visited
the Envoy s office just before the fireworks exploded. Rumor has it that he
was on three separate payrolls, and only one was Accord s.
Nathaniel knew it was weak, but it would keep Sam s mind on the Accord issue
and might get a phrase or two in the gossip section. He sent it off and found
himself pacing around the study, which felt too small, looking at the time on
the console, wanting 1400 to arrive.
He debated running through aworkout but rejected the idea.
Compromising, he sat down back in front of the console and accessed
historical information on New Augusta, deciding to see if he could learn
anything new while he waited.
Surprisingly, the Empire apparently had no problem with open library files.
The index alone was massive. That whetted his interest and encouraged him to
dig in.
He barely resisted the urge to jump before tapping the plate on the screen.
 Lord Whaler? Heather was on the screen. He looked for the time. 1407.  Yes?
 A lady in the reception area says you are expecting her.
 Ms. Ferro-Maine? Ah, yes. I ll be there shortly.
He shut down the screen. So far he d gotten through the founding of New
Augusta and the events leading up to the creation of the Empire from the
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wreckage of the Second Federation.
Realizing he was still in a set of undress greens, he retreated to his
bedroom for a quick change to a tan tunic and matching trousers.
Sylvia rose when he entered the reception area. Since the morning, she had
changed into ashort-sleeved, dark blue tunic trimmed with white, with [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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